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MSN Handcuffs

MSN Handcuffs

Submitted By Alex Wasserman (puregen1us)


I couldn't find MSN handcuffs, (%), in an of the emoticon sets so I created this.



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# by Reikon on 06/24/05 at 08:19:45

File seems to be corrupted and refuses to unzip. Also, add preview pictures so users know what they're downloading. --Reikon

# by Brutal on 06/24/05 at 10:15:53

is this something you use often?

# by ritz on 06/24/05 at 18:13:02

i canīt even see it....bah!!!!

# by Auric on 06/25/05 at 10:32:34

Warning: readfile(dist/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/adiumx/public_html/download.php on line 20

# by puregen1us on 06/25/05 at 21:09:03

Sorry about that. Just uploaded a new file. And I did add the preview and thing before, but it must have gotten lost. You can't submit without having them.

And I havea friend with them in her name, and I do use them frequently. More so than a lot of the other msn ones, xbox, island, etc.

# by on 06/27/05 at 10:05:34

YES! Thanks Alex! It's one of those small things you just NEED in your MSN chat :)

# by tim on 07/06/05 at 12:52:26

They are also in a Trillian 3 set.

# by on 07/23/05 at 17:53:26

Awsom!!! i love it! hand cuffz r the BEST

# by puregen1us on 07/25/05 at 18:17:06

Erm, well, yes, perhaps. Just how personal is that comment? ;)

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2.43kb (1764 downloads)

3.30 / 69 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 06/25/05
Icon ripped from MSN, I created the AdiumSet.