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Submitted By Richard Gilbert (dcentity2000)



1 x Contact List Layouts
1 x Contact List Colour Schemes
2 x Icon Packs

A dark contact list containing two icon packs, one lifted from Apple's Safari and the other a simple invert of the iChat Bubbles pack

1.1 Changes: Tab icons for "Negative" pack now show



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# by Abs on 06/22/05 at 11:20:07

Nice - i like it!

# by panda on 06/22/05 at 12:23:47

very nice, i like it too.
so simple and nice font

# by on 06/24/05 at 00:17:44

Great theme and layout. I love the negative icons, but for some reason in my chat window tabs, the icon does not appear at all. There is no empty space for it next to the contact's name, but if I mouse over the area where the icon usually is, the close X appears behind the text. Not sure if this is an icon bug or not.

# by dcentity2000 on 06/24/05 at 06:06:31

Ooops, my bad, I'll fix that this evening

# by on 06/26/05 at 18:15:35

Awesome! Thanks for the quick fix, this is a beautiful layout.

# by on 06/26/05 at 18:48:13

I love this style; it reminds me of the "clock" dashboard widget. Now you just need to make an add-on for the message style!

# by Dylan1077 on 06/27/05 at 02:25:22

Really cool negative status icon, but maybe make a version of the Safari one thats something like green for available and red for away, I kinda think its easier to distinguish status with those colors. Either way, nice list :D

# by Brutal on 06/27/05 at 04:42:09


# by Daniel on 07/03/05 at 15:44:03

Simple, Modern, Easy. Cool!

# by Lavo on 07/29/05 at 22:04:10

pretty nice..but in the safari-ish icons set, there's no mobile icon

# by telic.detour on 08/27/05 at 00:24:58

Nice dark theme. The inverted iChat icons are a good idea, but could use a little work. The original iChat icons are slightly darker in the pointed corner, and this translates to a slightly being slightly lighter in the inverted set, making them look kind of odd. Also, they would work better with more dark styles if the insides of the bubbles were partly transparent.

# by Diatribe on 12/04/05 at 13:03:57

Nice work :)

# by Xjs on 09/28/07 at 12:50:58

Looks nice, matches my current dark style!

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206.24kb (15118 downloads)

3.90 / 69 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 06/25/05
Apple Computer