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Submitted By Jonathan Pratchios (digitaljellyfish)


Gir from "Invader Zim" - everyone's favorite insane robot.

"It's not stupid, it's advanced!"



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# by eevyl on 05/19/04 at 10:32:10

Really nice stuff :)

# by on 05/19/04 at 12:58:34

Nicely done!

# by on 05/22/04 at 23:46:52

I love it, especially when away. ^_^

# by on 05/24/04 at 22:21:39

I've only seen a few episodes of the show, but this is by far my favorite dock icon.

# by Quincy on 05/29/04 at 03:08:58

Love the icons, and I love the way you designed your ReadMe ;-) lol -- looks exactly like mine, I wonder why lol, I don't care though; good dock icons.

# by on 05/31/04 at 15:27:27

Hehehe, I knew you'd notice Quincy! I quickly threw it together and because your ReadMe's are so well designed, I thought I'd follow suit.

I'm glad everyone likes the icons. Cheers!

# by Quincy on 06/02/04 at 23:27:17

Well thank you for the ReadMe comments. I'm glad I could help the person who needed something fast :-). Good icons again.

# by burnTHIStown on 07/22/04 at 12:12:04

Cool icons, but the color of the green one shows up different in the dock than how it is in the preview.

# by StarManta on 07/28/04 at 05:50:52

Is there a soundset where Gir says "dooooooom"? :P

# by on 08/05/04 at 02:13:52

i just wanted to say that invader zim is so cool and gir rox my sox !!!!!!!! i wish i could kill nick for canceling it. it was the coolest

# by marchhare on 08/06/04 at 22:16:28

"Chicken! I'm going to eat you!"
Love this set.

# by BlueRevolution on 08/19/04 at 20:54:30

Damn you, I just made a new one for myself like 15 minutes ago, never got a chance to enjoy it! Now I HAVE to have Gir. YaAAaaY I'M GONNA BE SIICK! *blat*

# by on 09/23/04 at 09:07:47

Oh my, its Gir!!! I love you.

# by mnkeybsness on 11/04/04 at 22:29:46

I lovED you piggy... I lovED you

# by on 11/18/04 at 06:05:56

X job! My fav dock icon at the moment ^.^ ~w00h00~ Keep kickin' b00tay, Jellyfishie. Hope 2 see more of ur work soon :D

# by on 12/16/04 at 15:35:05

i installed this today and selected it in preferences but it doesnt show up in the dock...just the old duck on. what am i doing wrong?

# by on 12/31/04 at 02:48:55

lol, this is the best icon ever! thanks

# by on 01/05/05 at 22:37:01

i love. i do.

now for a gir soundset to go along with them! hmmm? yes.

# by on 02/26/05 at 03:31:34

this is the shittiest icon site ever.........................invader zim rox but they need more icons

# by on 03/02/05 at 01:16:30

girrrrrrrrrrrr rocksssssss

# by on 05/03/05 at 23:16:39

Yesyes, a GIR soundset is needed....
This goes really well with the way it's set up on my computer anyway - the two people I want alerts for when they come online have "Why is his head so big?" and "I miss you cupcake" already.. this matches perfectly! ^_^

# by on 07/03/05 at 16:39:18

this is hilarious and adorable at the same time!!

# by professorkahlil on 09/03/05 at 02:22:13

Hes Adoreble!

# by Sirius74 on 12/05/05 at 15:11:21

I love it! It'll get a 5/5 (I voted 4/5) if you can figure out how to add sound sets one day! ^^

# by JuantrayJr on 01/21/06 at 19:44:11

Gir is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zim treats him like a side kick but gir is more of a main person and zim the side kick

# by xrettaxjeanx on 04/04/06 at 18:54:15

I love's awesome!

# by kloy on 07/15/06 at 19:39:37

is there anyway to set a specific icon b displayed when a specific event happens? thanks for any help! great icons btw!

# by hakzilla on 08/06/06 at 01:25:52

i've been using it for months and i love it

# by sideshow on 10/16/06 at 05:09:25

very cool stuff!!!! i love it!!!

# by tewmten on 10/23/06 at 14:52:29

I.. *snif*
I love you! *huggles*

# by gir_is_gangsta on 01/14/07 at 05:45:49

gir is my faviorite!!!! Hes funny when he goes I misseded u piggy I misseded u

# by Jypsy on 02/05/07 at 12:44:32

"You left what at home?"
"Why would you leave that at home?"

Thank you.

# by pinkiegrace381 on 02/08/07 at 18:55:45


# by cheezitimposter on 04/26/07 at 03:34:12

"me. the turkey. i was the turkey all along!!"

great icons.

# by Crypto on 07/25/07 at 22:15:43

Nice! These are awesome!!!

# by duckydude1 on 08/01/07 at 15:49:14

I love gir

# by EmeraldVee on 01/23/08 at 17:40:31

This is my new dock icon. Great work!

# by AllCowsGotMilk on 05/10/08 at 20:52:52

i'm having dificulties making a dock icon. Can you help me, now i'm using your gir dock icon and it's pretty cool; that's why i'm asking for your help

# by maxpounders on 09/18/08 at 20:41:44


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356.24kb (50376 downloads)

3.90 / 646 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 05/19/04
Invader Zim is a copyright of Nickelodeon. Original icon sources by David Drayton.