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Submitted By Timothy (Xenos)


A Hobbes dock icon, a little bit more animated than most dock icons.

2.0 Update: I added a few animations to the alert (with Hobbes dancing), a new connecting animation (Hobbes pouncing), and a new idle image (asleep with no z) so you could tell the difference between away and idle. Let me know what you think, I'll change it back if response is strong enough.



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# by on 05/19/04 at 18:03:37

Love it :D

# by icarus on 05/22/04 at 18:11:11

It needs an icon for idle status, but I still think it is great.

# by on 05/23/04 at 09:27:41

I also have an Hobbes dock icon, it is ready with all status.
I'll send it as soon as I receive my registration, I hope you'll like it :o)

# by on 10/10/04 at 11:09:33

Woaw, great! :D Would it be possible to have more animations in the dock icon? Like, 5-6 images when he's dancing for instance...

# by on 10/28/04 at 23:52:20

Well, I would have added more animations, but it's hard to get good ones from the comic page I was using, not to mention, the Calvin and Hobbes archive I was using to do it (it was searchable) was removed for copyright issues.

# by BlueRevolution on 11/04/04 at 23:31:39

awesomer than ever! it isn't for nothing that this is one of the most downloaded icons...

# by trebe on 11/05/04 at 02:36:27

I love hobbes and I love your icon :)

# by veradara on 02/20/05 at 18:37:28

love it

# by Anonymous on 04/11/05 at 10:05:13

why isn't he with calvin, yo??

# by on 04/14/05 at 21:12:58


# by Anonymous on 05/03/05 at 22:43:33

I love it! You should do one with calvin and hobbes..

# by on 06/26/05 at 23:04:30

good ! I like it!

# by on 07/18/05 at 00:33:28

i love your Hobbes dock icon, i'm using it now, i'm a fan of Calvin and Hobbes, i have 3 of Bill Watterson's books. :D

# by on 08/01/05 at 20:37:03

I like hobbes but...
Where is calvin, too.

# by achohol on 09/10/05 at 15:39:24

superb - best dock icon ever

# by claidheamdanns on 11/07/05 at 09:38:46

Very Cute. Love it!

# by MsSolberg on 12/30/05 at 16:55:13

awh.. cute :)

# by guilou88 on 05/17/06 at 13:46:53

very very very good!!
hem... would iit be possible to have calvin icons??
lol chuss

(ps: scuse me for my bad english, I'm Spanish)

# by mingydynasty on 06/18/06 at 21:55:57

so sick. . .yeah make the calvin ones too to make it even sicker

# by zipper on 07/21/06 at 19:50:24

when does he dance?

# by Xenos on 12/26/10 at 11:34:48

He dances when you have an unread message, so you have to be in another application and look at the dock to see it.

# by zipper on 07/21/06 at 19:50:59

or pounce? it awesome other then that though!

# by Xenos on 12/26/10 at 11:36:57

He pounces when you are connecting to the servers. In case anyone asks about any of the others: he is sleeping (with the z) when you are away and he is sleeping (without the z) when you are idle.

# by michelebugliaro on 09/24/06 at 07:53:01

Cute cute cute :)

# by Teddy01 on 11/28/06 at 21:30:57

I'm a big Calvin and Hobbes Fan. Thank you for creating this=)

# by duckydude1 on 08/01/07 at 15:50:09

you have the best tastes=-)

# by anewleaf on 09/01/07 at 07:03:31

cute :) would be great if u create a calvin one too

# by avatar139 on 10/07/09 at 21:56:01

Brilliant, really appreciate the effort you went through and am still using this since I first downloaded this years ago (Currently testing and using the icon set successfully on the 1.4b9 release)!

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418.05kb (49002 downloads)

3.80 / 629 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 11/04/04
Designed and created by: Tim Bowden (Xenos) Character designed by: Bill Watterson