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Monkeys from Proteus (v.8 recommend)

Monkeys from Proteus (v.8 recommend)

Submitted By Scottalatate' (uniraver-ZG)


- YEAH, v.8 AdiumX is released!

(suggested as v.7 users may be experiencing crashes. v.8 is way better anyways - worth the time to upgrade and check out new features and functionality.)

* Monkey Schpiel *
Set of Monkey emoticons from Proteus. The minute I saw this set I fell in love, especially with my personal fav - SMOKING MONKEY!!! Now I can transition to AdiumX happily.

Could not find the original creator's info, (maybe Justin from Proteus) who is rumored now to be working on iChat - whateverware. Whoever made them THANKS and many others will now be able to live "monkily ever after" with AdiumX.

PS> I've never geeked out before; props are welcome if I did it right, please report bugs.



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# by nanovivid on 04/24/05 at 11:27:37

These are cute. :-)

# by uniraver-ZG on 04/25/05 at 15:34:21

Thanks! I wish I had the grphical prowess to make them more well defined, but they do the job for the occaisional amusement of one's self or the other (assuming they have a monkey).

Maybe the community should add them to the trillion default set for all users, hehe...

# by on 04/26/05 at 22:01:34

As much as I like this idea, these smileys cause a crash in Adium on startup when they're installed. I'm running 10.2.8, Adium .77, and when I install the file to the Application Support/Adium 2.0/Emoticons folder, Adium crashes if it's running and crashes on startup every time until I take it out of that folder.

# by uniraver-ZG on 04/26/05 at 23:27:21

hmm, best apologies I will test. Looks like others have experienced the issue as well.

So far Adium .8b is working well so we can look forward to this working soon - in the meantime it will be noted only for .8b users.

# by uniraver-ZG on 05/04/05 at 00:13:45

Yeah, we could never identify the crash issue, howveer I knew that all was working well with v.8b and now that v.8 (which *REALLY ROCKS*) is released public, I don't think we need to work on it. PS> UPGRADE TO V.8 FOR SURE! Also check out the Feng Shui List Style - enjoy!

# by on 05/11/05 at 22:21:11

These are hot! Great job!

# by dave on 07/08/05 at 18:43:03


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86.19kb (4123 downloads)

3.20 / 88 votes
Current Version: 0.9
Last Updated: 05/04/05
I converted the icons/plist, with props to the unknown icon creater from Proteus