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Submitted By j i (Ji_)


made from skratch with TLC
idle and away share same icon status

changes from v1:
higher in saturated goodness, yada yada yada


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by Shark on 04/17/05 at 16:22:17

Nice job Ji

# by Ji_ on 04/17/05 at 16:33:16

the preview's a little pixely.
they look fine in ye olde dock though.

# by on 04/18/05 at 03:58:32

if there's demand i'll upload v2 with alt colors

# by Dylan1077 on 04/18/05 at 21:52:57

great colors

# by on 04/19/05 at 00:06:44

Nice icons Ji, definately worth the DL *using it now with milk*

# by lama on 04/19/05 at 03:30:14


# by on 04/19/05 at 13:15:57

loving' it :D

# by theimacguy on 04/19/05 at 19:32:41

Wow, makes my iChat AV Tiger look like garbage :-)

# by sdh on 04/19/05 at 20:33:56

"Wow, makes my iChat AV Tiger look like garbage :-)" -do you always mention your own icon in the comments? : /

# by theimacguy on 04/19/05 at 21:16:41

"do you always mention your own icon in the comments? : /"

I'm a self promoter :-)

# by Ji_ on 04/19/05 at 22:32:37

your iChat AV Tiger .plist is what's driving my icons. and i used yours for quite some time, just got sick of the gloss and the A / I badges.

# by theimacguy on 04/20/05 at 00:53:45

wow, in that case, thank you for enabling the tradition of the AV to live on. Hope u get somewhere far with this. :-)

# by sdh on 04/20/05 at 06:43:13

i just find it annoying that you always say something like "that looks better than my iChat AV Tiger". youre using others to make "commersials" for your icon.

# by on 04/21/05 at 16:18:53

Great update ji

# by theimacguy on 04/21/05 at 18:12:36

[i just find it annoying that you always say something like "that looks better than my iChat AV Tiger". youre using others to make "commersials" for your icon.]

If I was "making commersails" wouldn't i say my icons r better? ;-)

# by sdh on 04/25/05 at 09:09:39

youre really behind arent you theimacguy? bad commersials are as much commersial as good commersial! you also commented one of my icons with a link to your icon, can you just stick to commenting the icon in question? you can post in your own icon comments that they are garbage and suck, ok?! that would be a smart thing to do, because most of them does. end of discussion. - now, for this icon.. i like this version better than the last :) it looks really clean ji. i like the shadow under the bubble alot, thats a nice original idea. 4 of 5 :)

# by Ji_ on 04/25/05 at 14:57:50

good grief, dock icon drama? ew.

thx for nice comments everyone.
when i tire of seeing v1.5 in my dock every day i'll make and upload v2.

# by sdh on 04/25/05 at 15:40:23

but youll not replace the 1.5, right? just add 2.0 to the zip?

# by Ji_ on 04/25/05 at 23:54:07

as with the 1.0 icons, i'll just bury them in the directory. if you 'show package contents' on the dockicon folder you will find 1.0 powdery plastikk style in there.

# by sdh on 04/27/05 at 08:07:45

perfect :)

# by Ji_ on 04/28/05 at 04:38:51

my bud is supposed to post some very nice mods of these, too, with original animations and other bonuses. stay tuned if you're a dock icon phreak.

# by Ji_ on 06/05/05 at 19:58:29

my bud never got back to me on this one :-[

# by Dylan1077 on 11/11/05 at 15:58:44

This is hands down my favorite Adium icon. The colors are just so vibrant and clean looking. Ji_ you need to make a whole new icon set for Mac to match these beauties :D

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3.70 / 65 votes
Current Version: 1.5
Last Updated: 04/18/05
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