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Submitted By Boramor



For optimal peformance, set opacity to 70%.

This theme incorporates another minimal contactlist with the Chat Bubbles statusicons (already included in 0.8 and higher) and uses a font called Silkscreen for maximum visibility. It also includes a great wallpaper to accompany the list. All these are included in this pack.

NOTE: Be sure to download the package instead of installing it, as it won't install the font and/or wallpaper!


Version 1.2
- Updated info.



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# by Dylan1077 on 04/15/05 at 18:16:36

More great work from Boramor. I was going to ask what the wallpaper is, but its included! GENIUS!!

# by 61Tipo61 on 04/15/05 at 22:40:06

oooh! this is a nice one

# by aaron916 on 04/17/05 at 17:10:50

Quite similar to the UnityADM-1.0 message style...

# by Boramor on 04/17/05 at 17:46:21

Can't find that on the site here?
Where can I get it if I may ask?

# by on 04/17/05 at 20:06:28

simply amazing...i love it

# by Boramor on 04/24/05 at 07:53:44

One thousand downloads already! Thanks all!

# by rivrah on 04/25/05 at 03:18:02

For some reason, the status icons do not work. I've replaced the original icon files as outlined, but now NO icons show up at all.

# by dcentity2000 on 04/27/05 at 18:51:53

Very nice as usual :)

# by on 05/04/05 at 19:13:06

finally... a clean mean design.. that does not take up too much space...

# by binotto on 05/06/05 at 21:10:12

Great work. Can you make a matching message style?

# by Boramor on 05/12/05 at 16:21:58

Would love to if anyone would help me with that.

# by desk003 on 10/15/05 at 22:06:37

Kick ass, man. You need to do a message style for this!

# by MattHoult on 02/08/06 at 09:49:49

This is my favorite Contact List Style ever! I have it set to 50% opacity and decided to have a Lucida Grande typeface (because I am sadly addicted to it) with a borderless window and it's just perfect. Seriously doubt I will ever change it, it's that good.

# by Dradis on 02/23/06 at 19:46:35

great stuff. this is the best list style ive seen. matching message style would be awesome.

# by Fr3nch on 04/16/06 at 01:20:54

Good shit. The only thing that buggs me is that the group heading "Buddies, Family,co-workers, etc." is justified left in its bubble.

# by camassacre on 07/31/06 at 14:29:45

i really like this but i cant find a good desktop like yours.
could you show me the site u got it at?
it looks really good with your contact list.

# by camassacre on 07/31/06 at 14:30:35

nevermind it comes with it. tubular.

# by fissure on 08/13/06 at 19:32:56

Wouldn't a tiny font be less visible? ;P looks very nice!

# by kracked on 09/29/06 at 15:55:44

This contact list is the best ever... it looks neat. One thing that makes me sad is that a great looking contact list like this dont have a good looking "message style" that would match...

Ive been using decay for months but been looking for a matching message style... i think someone should work on one that matches decay :)

thats all i gotta say :)

# by ward86 on 02/03/07 at 04:48:12

Personally, I've been using the Gone Dark - no gloss Steel varient with this, and think they go quite nicely together.

# by Chort on 02/04/07 at 15:10:39

i like this a lot. I'm using the decay list layout with the black is beautiful Color theme and the droplet status icons and it looks amazing.

# by wachatu on 03/19/07 at 04:17:17

This is just great! Very clean and very beautiful - just like I want everything on my mac to be. The developer has done some great work! Good work!

# by Venturer on 07/09/07 at 22:11:36

Great work! Nothing more i can say. Just Beautiful

# by drjohnny on 01/08/08 at 20:13:36

Very nice looking list. But, I'm a little blind, and can't read it :( Could you tell me how I might increase the font size ?

# by Boramor on 01/08/08 at 20:30:40

You can set the font size in the preferences for Adium. I don't have Adium where I am now but I reckon it's somewhere in the display prefs for the Decay 2.0 theme!

# by vinodpillai on 02/17/11 at 19:30:12


# by nobreak on 03/20/12 at 20:53:53

The font dont work. What have i to do?

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478.21kb (60381 downloads)

2.50 / 503 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 05/03/05
Wallpaper: Nato Kino (