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ProtoScrollMod 2

ProtoScrollMod 2

Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


NEW IN 2.1!
10.3.9: Smooth Scrolling works again! And I had to revert to Message Style Version 1? Oh well.

Changes in 2.2:
Fixed some quirks such as the indented screennames and the ?'s in the Header.

Changes in 2.3
Consecutive times in initial messages as well
Message Style version 3

Like ProtoScroll, it has the same variants, and two extra, which have the Smoth Operator background.

This has consecutive times, which I missed in the original ProtoScroll.

Also, the header is in Times (my favorite font!)
  • No more Header variants (Use Show Header)



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# by thy on 04/07/05 at 13:46:44

always like the scrolling trick~^^

# by on 04/07/05 at 16:30:56

The protoscroll theme is my favorite. Keep up the amazing work.

# by Anonymous on 04/08/05 at 10:31:24

Why would you ever have a chat window expanded to fill the whole screen? Doing that make baby Steve Jobs cry.

# by 4xxxxxxxx4 on 04/08/05 at 16:41:22

this is like iChats scrolling, but better

# by on 04/08/05 at 19:25:57

Ummm, am I missing something, I thought v.77 was the newest release.

# by zaudragon on 04/08/05 at 19:30:13

There is a beta for 0.8? and I can't give out links.

# by on 04/16/05 at 03:56:29

this breaks under 10.3.9 any ideas why? or will there be an update to fix it?

# by on 04/16/05 at 18:04:29

I'm guessing new webkit.

# by gyan on 04/27/05 at 14:55:05

why won't it work...
it looks good in the sample...

# by zaudragon on 04/27/05 at 22:45:57

gyan: are you on 10.2?

# by tab on 04/29/05 at 22:17:15

Crashed twice! (Mac OS X 10.3.8; Adium X 0.7x)

# by on 04/30/05 at 08:19:30

crash all the time in Tiger whenever I open the message preference and picked protoscrollmod.

# by zaudragon on 05/02/05 at 04:19:04

tab: Look at my other extras, try the other ProtoScrollMod
kjoker: I can't help you there. I don't have Tiger. Email me the crash report?

# by tab on 05/02/05 at 07:49:52

zaudragon: Thanks for your reply! I have removed it and back to the old version. What are the requirements of this one?

# by on 05/02/05 at 20:55:34

For some reason it crashes every time I try and change it to ProtoScroll...

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3.50 / 60 votes
Current Version: 2.3
Last Updated: 04/25/05
ProtoScroll by Eoban Binder (eobanb)