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Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


NEW IN 2.0
Like Random Buddy Icons, you can set a delay time for the script that is a half minute or greater. So 5 minutes would be /rand{5} and 30 seconds would be /rand{0.5}.

This script is like Randam (Random Away Message Setter) except for these points:
  • This uses a newline as the delimeter instead of a +
  • This is a script package
  • This could be used for a profile, away message, display name, alias, anything!
  • /rand is the command
  • ~/Documents/txt.txt is the file to put the aways/profiles/etc. in
  • The delay time can be customly edited though {}'s

I think the <HTML> and </HTML> weren't too good so I deleted them in 1.1.

Seems like HTML doesn't work...


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# by kirk on 04/05/05 at 23:57:27

what exactly does it do... what's Randam?

# by zaudragon on 04/06/05 at 01:29:01

Oh I should include that one sec?

# by on 04/06/05 at 23:44:00

Good Thing for The Phobia List... My away is set to display a random phobia :P. I think... Just copy and past the phobias into a TXT file..

# by ialphan on 04/07/05 at 03:55:03

I think this is a great script... thanks zaudragon.

# by krisliu77 on 05/31/06 at 07:44:11

how to rand my display pic?

# by rnmoak on 10/03/06 at 21:11:36

Can I use it to change my display name? Like: (My Name - /rand{5} ...) like que Withnail script? Thanks!

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3.20 / 35 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 04/07/05
goinup for Randam, ialphan for the hope in a delay system, SLMalling from #adium for rewording of the delay section, and Randam: