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Submitted By brent xXx (poohbeerke)



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# by Anonymous on 03/28/05 at 21:06:21

whats the point of this?

# by Anonymous on 03/28/05 at 21:16:19

I assume it's for people who don't want to be distracted, either by a bouncing or animating dock icon. ^_^

# by sdh on 03/28/05 at 23:40:02

the bouncing can be turned off. and if the animation is the problem wouldnt a regular adium without animation do the trick?

# by sdh on 03/28/05 at 23:43:20

could also be confusing for those who have blank dock separators :P

# by danielgrenell on 03/28/05 at 23:44:47

you have to read between the lines. this is about the adiumy that's not there. it's post-modern.

# by Anonymous on 03/28/05 at 23:59:43

lol, or not.

# by zaudragon on 03/29/05 at 01:45:43

It's teh invisible Adiumy!

# by on 04/02/05 at 19:52:22

Y'know... I downloaded this invisible icon to match my invisible clothes and, well, as you can imagine it's not worked out well. To make matters worse, I lost my invisible icon because I couldn't remember where I left my invisible icon holder... I thought I put it in my invisible closet, but alas, that's gone too now..............

# by on 04/26/05 at 12:34:29

You know that quite an original icon (lack of even!) and as for the 'post-modern' comment, haha! I can't see an entire OS being in an art gallery! :p

I never really like some of the icon of Adium, but that kinda nice if you don't like the icon of adium or the like

# by Dumbledore132 on 07/14/05 at 14:11:59




# by squish on 07/19/05 at 13:13:42

It's nice, here at work, to have NO chat icon running when my boss is looking over my shoulder.

# by on 07/23/05 at 18:59:31

AHAHAHAHA, I like that last post I can totally relate. Cept I dont us osx at work and I would never use the clear dock icon. I like that it is up here tho, kinda funny, I think we all know that no one uses this icon. :)

# by indomitable on 07/13/06 at 17:57:50

haha, exactly! I made it my personal challenge to install, customize and use adium at work, literally right behind my boss' back. He's a very curious (obnoxiously so) guy so its been good to have something discreet, the blank icon is a good one for this. The other alternative I saw was the automator dock icon, a clever decoy. Thanks!

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Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 03/28/05