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Submitted By Grant Stern (grantstern)


Amortize your mortgage client relationship by typing /amortalk . For those of your in the mortgage business, you know that it gets tiresome when your clients keep asking if the loan is done yet. To simplify the task, just use this program, and keep on the phone with that new client, hehe. Email me with more text and I'll keep developing out the phrasebook.


Version 1.1 has new phrases like "We can't do that anymore" and much much more. . . .



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# by on 03/13/05 at 12:03:08

i don't understand what it does

# by sdh on 03/13/05 at 14:16:00

me either :S

# by on 03/13/05 at 14:48:23

This thing makes no sense.

# by zaudragon on 03/13/05 at 15:39:44

It's just some random stuff

# by Anonymous on 03/15/05 at 20:49:35

youre all freaks

# by crash on 03/24/05 at 07:23:44

yes we are

# by kirk on 04/07/05 at 11:07:20

still don't un-der-stand

# by Nicolas on 04/09/05 at 10:56:30

it just replies to the person with random quotes that mortgage guy would tell you, so it keeps that person busy (providing that person is silly enough) while you can keep going on the phone ... maybe if you don't understand you're going to be one of the victims!

# by grantstern on 04/09/05 at 13:00:07

Thank you Nicolas, you get it! hehe. It does work too. I tried it out on one of my close friends and clients. He had a whole discussion with Amortalk

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3.00 / 37 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 07/04/09