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Submitted By Pablo Rojas (crunchyto)


Copy the actual URL of the Safari's main window to the insert point in Adium X, just typing /safariurl.


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# by SJ3000 on 03/01/05 at 22:22:11

isnt what the safari link button is for?

# by zaudragon on 03/02/05 at 03:56:41

Exactly; this is useless, like the Set Idle script

# by on 03/02/05 at 07:38:59

For developpers : it's good for the safari link button but there are a lot of browser like the very good Camino and Firefox !!
So if you built this buttons, the others users will be very happy ! Really.

# by Anonymous on 03/26/05 at 06:52:40

some jabber clients don't interpret the a labeled html link properly. So this saves a direct copy of the link into adium.

# by veilure on 11/11/07 at 02:54:06

nice script
i disable the toolbar on top, so typing is faster that clicking all the time

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3.86kb (985 downloads)

2.90 / 29 votes
Current Version: 0.8
Last Updated: 03/01/05
Based on a similar script named FirefoxCurrentPage