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Link Duck |
Submitted By Erin Ferrell (lysistrata398) |
DescriptionIt's Link from the Legend of Zelda.He's on a never-ending quest to save his girlfriend! 1/25/05 - Added special Away and Idle status. Made the flap more animated and (hopefully) more visible. Gave him sparkle for the connecting. ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by infinity on 01/22/05 at 19:05:56AWESOME ICON!!!!! Excellent work. One thing though, Zelda isn't Link's girl friend, she is actually his sister. (^_^ )
# by lysistrata398 on 01/22/05 at 19:50:59Yeah, the girlfriend thing was a reference to a tv show with a character that mocks the Legend of Zelda.
# by Crystalmyst on 08/07/09 at 05:37:44Was it Drawn Together? Frickin' AWESOME TV Series :D
Love the Dock Icon too! It adds a little humour to things xD ~Tim # by on 01/22/05 at 20:20:53This is UNBELIEVABLE! Great job, Lys!
And the show she's referring to is "Drawn Together" where the character Xander is "on a never ending quest to save [his] girlfriend." Well... until he realizes he's gay. Then he falls in love with the character spoofing Genie (from Alladin). Then Xander is "on a never ending quest to save [his] boyfriend" who gets kidnapped by the evil villain, who originally kidnapped his girlfriend, after admitting his love for Xander. # by on 01/22/05 at 23:00:11Actually she's not his sister, In the Wind Waker they kidnap his sister THINKING shes Zelda, just wanted to be the geek that pointed that out, but awesome icon.
# by Anonymous on 01/24/05 at 06:15:07Zelda's never been Link's sister... You're probably thinking of Windwaker's Aryll.
# by Dave on 01/24/05 at 06:20:15Suggestion: for the "connecting" graphic, how about having his sword sparkle from the bottom to the top like he's charging up for a spin attack? The "new message" change is, as the original commentor said, a little hard to notice. Other than that, great icon :D
# by lysistrata398 on 01/24/05 at 17:26:14Those are some good suggestions. Since I don't play any of the Legend of Zelda games, I wouldn't have known about the sparkles and such. I'll get to those as soon as I can. :)
# by on 01/27/05 at 17:37:45Does anyone remember the old skool Zelda for Nintendo?
I still play it! :-p # by infinity on 01/27/05 at 22:50:51I've never played Wind Waker, so I don't know about that game. I was refering to Ocarina of Time. I believe that there was a reference that indicated that Zelda had a lost brother. Anyways, if you go to any Zelda website the people there get all up in arms if you say Zelda is Links girlfriend. :-)
# by pianoman0723 on 07/29/06 at 11:39:53the brother isnt not link. thats part of the awesome everydayness of his character. he is just a normal kid (not royalty or anything) who just happens to be the hero of time.
nice icon but i cant say im a fan of themed stuff. # by lains_navi on 01/28/05 at 18:41:55This is indeed quite awesome! I'm an ultra-zelda freak, so this is great. The only thing I can think of that could make it better would be to have other duck colors. ^^
# by lains_navi on 01/28/05 at 18:42:36oh! different tunic colors too! hehe ^^;;; sorry, i know that'd be quite a bit of work to do... but some ideas for future versions ^^;;
# by lysistrata398 on 01/28/05 at 18:47:56See, then you guys would have to be telling me which colors for the ducks and tunics 'cause like I said earlier, I don't play this game. To me, a green duck with a pink tunic could be cute, but it probably has no reference to the game. :D
# by lains_navi on 01/28/05 at 19:01:42tunic colors: red, green, blue, pink, black, white... i think that covers all the tunic colors i've seen in the various games w/ link.
# by on 05/07/05 at 23:08:02Link also wore a lavender tunic in Soul Caliber II for GameCube. Anyway, I second the idea for other tunic colors. Red and blue in particular.
# by Anonymous on 07/31/05 at 07:59:53My brother would love it totally! But he's a PC user so to bad for him.
# by XmaestroX on 03/23/06 at 20:33:29NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# by druix13 on 05/25/06 at 18:05:11i know this post is just a little delayed...just a little...but link also had a brown tunic in Adventures of Link
# by mingydynasty on 06/18/06 at 22:04:58wow u are so amazing at making these, make a samus one lol, im such a noob
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# by STIAFL on 01/22/05 at 19:04:28