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Oscar the Grouch Duck

Oscar the Grouch Duck

Submitted By Erin Ferrell (lysistrata398)


It's Oscar the Grouch! You better be nice to him, he's kinda in a bad mood.



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# by infinity on 01/20/05 at 19:42:13

Oh man, this is so cool! Excellent work

# by KillyBesel on 06/20/07 at 22:48:08

lol i love it

# by The_Tick on 01/21/05 at 05:53:43

Simply awesome

# by nanovivid on 01/21/05 at 11:48:24


# by penpen17 on 01/21/05 at 13:35:06


# by on 01/21/05 at 14:21:44

I'm lovin the unibrow.

# by michelebugliaro on 01/21/05 at 15:59:05


# by on 01/22/05 at 11:18:26


# by Shark on 01/24/05 at 01:18:20

This is too cool

# by on 01/27/05 at 06:49:21

Excellent !
Chapeau for the incredible work

# by pacmac on 01/27/05 at 16:11:27

wow ! :)

# by on 02/05/05 at 18:15:47

Great work, only one comment; the icon is a bit smaller than normal.

# by lysistrata398 on 02/07/05 at 21:12:27

Yes, it is smaller. It has to be due to its proportions.

# by on 02/10/05 at 14:52:58

I fell in love the minute I saw it :)
he's cute!

# by Angel x0 on 03/27/05 at 03:43:38


# by Z on 04/16/05 at 02:31:54

Brilliant, this will replace El President? as the best dock ever(?).

# by Luz on 05/17/05 at 19:12:38

i love it!!!!!! exelente trabajo ;)

# by on 06/15/05 at 05:56:09

It was very good, well job man

# by on 06/29/05 at 09:43:12

Excellent and cute!!

# by macfan26 on 07/08/05 at 17:32:49

Reminds me of that oscar the grouch trash icon from way back in like system 7/8, lol :) Awesome.

# by on 07/16/05 at 17:08:32

macfan: it totally does!

Absolutely fantastic icon set - it's enough to make me want to bump the size of my Dock up just to see it in all its glory. :)

# by Anonymous on 07/31/05 at 08:01:25

So cool!!

# by Sunlite on 03/15/06 at 19:14:35

I love this, he's so cool! Awesome job!

# by bastianolea on 06/02/06 at 11:50:37

genial! estupendo! este es el mejor icono jamás creado! esta muy chido, pero es un poco mas pequeño que lo normal

# by bastianolea on 06/02/06 at 11:51:52

genial!great! that is the better icon ever made! is very cute, but is a little smaller than the others.

# by midjetville on 10/10/06 at 21:02:50

amazing! so great

# by dcentity2000 on 10/11/06 at 14:47:27

Haha, rules!

# by touspous on 11/17/06 at 20:27:15

I hope that he is not clean !!! I WOULD HATE THAT!!!

# by Rebekia on 12/24/06 at 15:14:22

I love oskar the grouch, the only thing is that the idle (brown on red) is really hard to read esp. when you have a dock with as many icons on it as i do it just gets smaller and smaller.

# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:43:00

This one is just so awesome..we just need one for animal....

# by tamashii on 01/31/07 at 19:30:07

Fantastic work. Including all the states is always nice, animating them is even nicer. Really nice, complete dock icon here.

# by Flea on 04/26/07 at 19:41:04

Well done!!! So funny!!!

# by KillyBesel on 06/20/07 at 22:48:59

I love it!

# by Chad on 07/11/07 at 15:08:02

EXCELLENT work! I used to love oscar as a kid!

# by Osjcag on 03/01/08 at 16:35:17

Oh this is really fun (my name is Oscar :-P)

# by jesterno2 on 03/23/10 at 02:22:44

awesome! any way you can make a cookie monster dock icon?

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143.21kb (42204 downloads)

3.90 / 560 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/20/05
Original Adiumy by Adam Betts.