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Trillian 3 Pro

Trillian 3 Pro

Submitted By Cracker


A port of Trillian 3 Pro emoticons. For those of you who don't know, Trillian is a messenger like Adium but for Windows. It supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. Therefore all of these messengers' emoticons are also supported and of course there's more!

279 emotes, all 24bit png with the exception of the animated gifs. I have incorporated some emoticons that are unused by Trillian itself but are actually included in the program files.

I know Steve Guntrip has already made a Trillian pack, but this one is a complete Trillian 3 Pro port, has more emoticons, they are individually named (so it's easier on the eyes in the emoticon menu) and uses 24bit pngs which supports partial transparencies.

Note: the Pro versions of Trillian contain more emoticons than the standard versions. A good comparison of what is included in versions can be found here.

If Cerulean Studios/Desgin Hazard wish to take this port off then please do.

All comments are welcome, especially if you think I've made a mistake somewhere.


v1.1 - Updated :9 emote. I accidently used the static image rather than animated gif.
v1.2 - Updated :-* rule, was a duplicate (thanks Midnight). (pray) also added/fixed.
v1.3 - Updated Emoticon.plist due to Adium 1.1.3 now being case sensitive, causing some emotes to not show.



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# by on 01/13/05 at 14:13:20

Since using this Extra for Adium, my yield has increased five thousandfold and my sleep has improved somehwat.

# by roman polanski on 01/14/05 at 19:37:05

Ask a sardine or Hayley.

I shall now exchange handbags with a newt :'(

# by on 01/27/05 at 18:23:30

Nice, but: A friend of mine using Trillian and Win (of course) can't see all of the emoticons and I can't see all of the emo. he sends to me....

and we just wanted to start an emoticon battle

# by Cracker on 01/28/05 at 03:31:53

Care to explain a bit more on that Holger? You mean your friend using Trillian can't see some of the emotes you send and vice versa?

If that's the case, I'm not quite sure why as it's a direct port of the emotes. I manually cut out each emoticon and went through every xml rule in Trillian and took it over to Adium. The only problem I can think of is could it be your friend doesn't have Trillian 3 Pro?

I'm not sure if the Pro version has more emoticons than the standard versions (0.7x), but that's the only reason I can think of. I definately know for certain these emoticons are cross compatible with Trillian 2 Pro & Trillian 3 Pro, since a friend uses it whilst I'm on Adium and I have tested them myself.

# by Midnight on 02/02/05 at 02:02:27

The :-* symbol is for 2 things, so the kiss doesnt work, only blah. just thought id tell you. other wise thanx, theyre awesome.

# by Cracker on 02/02/05 at 06:49:36

Thanks for noticing that Midnight. Fixed :)

# by Cracker on 02/13/05 at 04:15:07

I find it interesting how my emoticon pack is currently, at time of writing, in "pending" status therefore not shown to public and yet it's attained 60 or so new ratings taking it from 4/5 to now 2.8/5.

# by on 03/16/05 at 16:10:13

I have downloaded the file, but how do I install the thing? The only other file I could discover was emoticons .plist, which i can't open, for it is not recognized by win xp. Anyone an idea?

# by Cracker on 03/16/05 at 20:07:29

Levoi, if you extract the zip file, you'll find Trillian 3.AdiumEmoticonSet. Double click that file and Adium will automatically install it. If not then place the extracted file in [YourUsername]/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Emoticons. Also make sure in your Adium Preferences that Trillian 3 is ticked. The file should be 1.1mb extracted if it's not, download the zip again as it may have been corrupted. Finally, these emoticons are for MacOSX so I'm not sure why you're opening them in WinXP : )

# by ihaveabellybutton on 04/10/05 at 03:18:15

Great! I'm using some of these on my forum.

# by on 04/13/05 at 22:49:28

day-ammmmn these are sweeeeeet iconz i luv them

# by on 04/17/05 at 22:39:35

I downloaded the file and installed it, but i'm not getting any sounds when i use some of the emoticons, just the default sound from adium. can anyone help?

# by Cracker on 04/19/05 at 06:39:16

There are no Trillian sounds included, Adium can't handle them. I've already asked the developers to include such a function but they said it was unlikely.

# by on 05/01/05 at 15:16:56

Very beautiful !
I used to be under windows with Trillian and these smileys are really awesome under Adium ! :)

# by on 06/11/05 at 12:58:28

Yes, but you can download the Trillian sounds here separately. As it is available to do.

# by Cracker on 06/12/05 at 04:01:55

You maybe be able to download the sounds (which I still cannot find on this site - what's it called?) but the sounds cannot be linked with certain emoticons. They can only be envoked with the usual User Signs On/Off, Message Sent/Received etc. I asked the developers to include such a function but they basically said no.

# by on 06/26/05 at 12:14:24

Nice work :)

# by lalalalalala on 12/30/05 at 04:35:44

wot i hate is that none of ma friends can see them

# by eRiZ on 01/24/07 at 14:06:35

@Cracker: Could I use your emoticons in my blog?

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280.6kb (27287 downloads)

3.30 / 1872 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 10/29/07
Design Hazard for the Trillian emoticons, me for making the port to Adium.