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RSS News Headlines

RSS News Headlines

Submitted By Noah Liebman (noleli)


Keep people informed by having links to all the latest news headlines from an RSS feed of your choice in your profile or away message. It gives you one headline at a time, and cycles through them at a specified time interval from 30 seconds to one hour. When it gets through each of the headlines, it refreshes the feed from the server and starts over.

This script relies on an external application called Adium RSS Reader (included) in order to handle getting the feed, cycling through each of the headlines, and setting the feed URL and refresh rate. It also requires that the XML Tools Scripting Addition be installed before running the script or application.

New in 1.2:
-Does not display headlines that beging with "ADV:"
-Updated for Tiger (though the new version is untested on previous versions of the system)

To use this script:
  • Download and install the XML Tools Scripting Addition
  • Download the extra from this site
  • Double-click the "RSS News Headlines.AdiumScripts" icon to install the script
  • Drag the "Adium RSS Reader" application to your Applications folder

Once this is done, you can double-click the Adium RSS Reader application in your Applications folder and choose your settings. Assuming you've entered a valid RSS feed URL, in Adium you can simply type %_rss to substitute a headline.

When you are done using the script in Adium, re-run the Adium RSS Reader application to quit the hidden background application that keeps everything up to date. You can also re-run the application to change the URL or the refresh rate.


Note that it cannot parse the RSS feed. I'm not sure why, but I didn't write most of the XML-parsing code.


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# by on 01/13/05 at 20:23:32

I keep getting AppleScript errors when I try to use it...
Here's the script I tried:


# by noleli on 01/14/05 at 00:17:17

Be sure you install the XML Scripting Addition, as described in the directions above. ;)

# by SB on 01/14/05 at 00:55:56

Thanks for the help from noleli - we got it going...we realized that us Mac users don't RTFM, so it was the XML scripting addition that was missing.
Works great!


# by macaddct1984 on 01/19/05 at 17:19:15

Is there any way to make it show more than just one article? On for instance there's about 4 or 5 article but it only shows the one at the top.

Very nice work though :)

# by noleli on 01/19/05 at 17:49:08

Macaddct1984 - It actually cycles through the headlines at the interval you specify in the app. So if you have it set for 5 minutes, it would show the top headline for 5 minutes, then the 2nd headline for 5 minutes, etc. As for displaying more than one headline simultainiously, there is no was to do this currently.
Perhaps if I get bored at some point down the line... :)

# by on 02/04/05 at 22:04:51

Hey noah! sweet job on the script! im glad you posted it on here.

# by on 03/24/05 at 12:59:37

I'd like to change the cycle time to less than 30 seconds. How can I do it?

# by noleli on 03/26/05 at 23:56:30

Actually no, because Adium only updates info from its scripts ever 30 seconds. So I could update headlines more often, but that would just mean Adium itself would skip some.

# by ihaveabellybutton on 05/11/05 at 01:46:14

Great script. For those who didn't know it's %_rss to activate it in Adium.

# by ihaveabellybutton on 05/11/05 at 01:47:01

Nvm I thought you didn't put it in the description.

# by on 05/17/05 at 04:32:36

Sorry, I don't get it. I installed everything like explained... How do you activate the script? I mean, where in Adium do you type %_rss to get it to work?

# by noleli on 06/09/05 at 21:33:10

La, you put %_rss anywhere you can type text: messages, away/status messages, user profiles, and probably display names, though I don't use MSN.

# by clofresh on 01/17/06 at 23:45:02

Wow, I've wanted this functionality since I was still a PC user! Do you think you can add an option to always show the most recent headline from a feed? I wanna post a link to my latest blog entry on my profile.

# by yanokwa on 08/01/06 at 02:53:11

Anyone have success with feeds?

# by yanokwa on 08/11/06 at 11:14:10 is a script you may be able to modify for any number of feeds.

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173.06kb (2665 downloads)

3.40 / 71 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 07/28/05
The XML parsing code is based heavily on the code by Jesse Shanks. Evands and zaudragon for some AppleScript tips.