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Pig Latin

Pig Latin

Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


This will turn any text into Pig Latin, but will disregard punctuation marks!

Example: /pl{This script is cool!}
returns: isThay criptsay is oolcay has the rules to the script, here they are:
  • Any word beginning with a vowel has "way" affixed to the end
  • Any 1 or 2 letter word is ignored
  • "Sh" "th" and similar consonant combinations are sent to the back instead of just "s" ot "t"

Changes in 1.2
I made the script so there is no beginning space.

Changes in 1.1
Now "interesting" comes out as "interestingway" instead of "nterestingway" as it was in 1.0

BTW Code used from "igpay atinlay" from


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# by Legolas on 01/11/05 at 01:40:22

Good idea, but it does not seem to always work. e.g.: apple=appleway, go fish=go ishfay

# by zaudragon on 01/12/05 at 01:14:12

It's supposd to do that!

# by zaudragon on 01/12/05 at 01:15:00

look at the rules to the right, the vowel starting ones use the snowcrest one -->

# by Legolas on 01/15/05 at 00:13:55

Hmmm. Now that I look at the rules you put down, I am noticing that they are not the same as the ones I have always used. Let me Google this.....

# by Legolas on 01/15/05 at 00:20:34

Well, it looks like there are more then one way to do pig latin, and that one is one of the main ones.

# by zaudragon on 01/17/05 at 07:04:29

How do you do it?

# by on 07/23/05 at 03:52:10

hot idea but its not how i learned pig latin back in the third grade

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3.40 / 65 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 01/12/05
freakman for giving me the idea and giving me a TextEdit Plus script to do this to work with, and and which told me the rules of Pig Latin