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Kirby and Tyler - iChat Style

Kirby and Tyler - iChat Style

Submitted By Uli Kusterer (uliwitness)


These are some of the "kirby smilies" like d(o_o)b and a few more smilies my friend Tyler likes to use. They have the look of iChat's smilies, so should go well with any of those sets. 14 emoticons in total.

1.2 adds a *bonk* smilie that runs against a wall: ...( x_)|



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# by infinity on 12/23/04 at 22:13:36

These are great!

# by on 01/08/05 at 18:04:06


# by danielgrenell on 03/05/05 at 16:35:09

if i put my thumbs up next to my head, my nuckles are in and my thumbs are out, more like this b(-_-)d

but that's just me being crazy :)

# by macaddct1984 on 03/05/05 at 19:55:02

Very nice looking. I would say the only fault I see is that >_< isn't really cross-eyed. I'd always saw that as being pissed-off. (Cartman's eyes [from South Park] do that on occasion)

Very nice otherwise though.

# by Benjamin Ol?h-Lindholm on 03/09/05 at 13:35:32

i like it, much, but i want to do emotics self, can?t u do something there i can du they self?

# by benjamin Ol?h-Lindholm on 03/09/05 at 13:36:35


# by uliwitness on 03/09/05 at 13:50:40

Busy right now, but maybe in April I might have some time to look into fixing some of the comments mentioned.

Benjamin, I only understand three words in your message, so trying to write English might help (what the heck do all the "u"'s and "i"'s and accents mean??? I'm not English myself, so this must be some insider thing)

If you want to know how to create Emoticon sets, this is really the wrong place to ask. But basically all you need is a paint program. Use Finder's "Show Package Contents" to look at the contents of a typical emoticon set and create your own. Make sure to edit the .plist file in the set, and to copy files into the package you'll need to use

# by on 04/07/05 at 12:21:02

# by on 04/16/05 at 02:40:07

NO!!!!! WHERE BE THE KIRBYS?!?!?!?! (p.s: KIRBYS i like the.. kirbys chachacha)

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26.06kb (2502 downloads)

2.90 / 207 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 03/04/05
Based off of simpolman's smilies.