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Submitted By Jay Patteson (ipi37)


it's a hypercube projected on 2 dimensions. different states recflect it's rotation in space and time.

Due to overwhelming requests... I have added a static version of the hypercube in addition to the animated one. They are both still animated for "connecting" and "alerts" but in the new one, the standard "online" image is now, static.

Thanks for all the feedback. :)

p.s. I also modified the animated one to make it rotate the opposite direction for "connecting" to decrease the similarity of the two event.



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# by Hypercube on 12/15/04 at 21:21:01

Well, *I* like it ;-)

Have Fun

# by Reikon on 12/15/04 at 21:28:47

Kick ass!

# by darmot7 on 12/18/04 at 05:42:53

yea, after seeing this as hypercube's avatar, i was pretty darn impressed. nice idea to make it a doc icon :-D

# by joshua on 12/18/04 at 18:45:50

This is coool but perhaps it would be possible to get a version that is only moving during connection/messages, maybe inverse the direction it moves or change the color or something. Constant animations are kinda distracting and probably eat up CPU

# by Sembazuru on 12/19/04 at 23:11:57


# by rosa_linn on 12/21/04 at 20:41:32

well, it was litle cool but no?t very cool

# by evands on 12/22/04 at 07:36:12

Quite sweet - and in my tests just now the animation does not use up a significant amount of processor (0.5% idle versus 0.0% idle for a nonanimating icon)

# by ipi37 on 12/24/04 at 16:35:59

wow... thanks evands for the reseach... :D


# by fissure on 12/29/04 at 02:22:22

Awesome. But I agree that it shouldn't be constantly animating--quite annoying.

# by danielgrenell on 01/02/05 at 07:18:16

i have one minor correction that is just eating me up inside. the line "the standard "online" image is now, static." should read "the standard "online" image is now static."

sorry, i had to say something :P

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 12/30/04
Hypercube was the inspiration. POVRay