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Submitted By Jay Patteson (ipi37)


This little scripty will allow you to actively select any extra you currently have installed* and send it via file transfer to your buddy. We'll hope that your buddy is using adium as well so it will have some meaning for them. This one took me a lot of research and debugging. I think I am finally starting to understand AppleScript! W00T!

Currently, it leaves the compressed .zip file on your deskop. there is a line of code in the script file that commented out that will automatically delete the .zip file. but I ran in to some problems with that feature enabled. you may simply delete the desktop file after you are done transfering the file to your friend.

Warm fuzzies and happiness go to evands and Hypercube for their excellent help in the forum.

*does not work if the xtra name contains an '

Here is the section I refer to:

- (AIM / Jabber) File transfers often fail to navigate firewalls and routers
- (Yahoo) Files over 1 MB in size fail to send
- (AIM) Contacts can get incorrectly tagged as being on an AOL Mobile Device
- (AIM) Group Chat : Japanese (and probably other charsets) doesn't get sent properly,
but can be received - only with certain default languages. English default language
works fine for these charactersets... so the default C encoding must be being used
(incorrectly) somewhere in libgaim?
- (ICQ) Broken ICQ clients send HTML. Should we try to correct for this?
- (All) Gaim's proxy support is unreliable at best

That pretty much sums it up for me. Yahoo works under 1 MB and AIM rarely works at all, if ever. However, when these bugs get fixed, in theory I believe this script should ROCK!


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# by STIAFL on 01/13/05 at 22:07:28

good idea!!

# by on 01/16/05 at 08:16:13

Great concept, but I'm unclear on how you actually trigger this script? Couldn't find any documentation on this, sadly... I'll gladly revise my rating to 5 stars once I figure this out, but as it stands it's kind of annoying to have a script installed that I can't trigger...

# by on 04/21/05 at 16:46:21

How do you activate it? What good is a script without a syntax manual.

# by ihaveabellybutton on 09/24/06 at 15:19:56

[ben beekman, adam]: you can always go to edit->insert script to see how to activate a script

[ipi37]: add "tell app "adium" to" to all of your choose from lists and display dialogs.

# by adium on 12/30/06 at 13:04:50

thats how u activate it

# by ccsgraphic on 05/22/07 at 22:53:13

This script was simply not working for me. I did a bit of poking around and found that user dialog interaction didn't work unless they were contained within a "tell" block. I added "tell application 'Adium'" and "end tell" around the choose dialogs to get them to work for me.

Oh, and because of another tip given for an Xtra, I used the "/tmp/" directory instead of the Desktop for storing the files to be transferred as they are out of sight and will be deleted at logoff.

I thought I'd share this here as I don't want to repost the script in my own name considering how much work Jay(?) put into it.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/14/04
evands and Hypercube from the forum