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MSN Animated |
Submitted By Jorge Salvador Caffarena (eevyl) |
DescriptionThe full MSN 6 emoticon set including animated emoticons.1.3 Added Service Class setting 1.2 Added (R) text equivalent to rainbow emoticon 1.1 Updated to the new 0.60 emoticon format ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by on 05/29/04 at 09:18:13When i try to insert one of these emoticons from the pull down "insert emoticon" thing, adium crashes! ?!?!?!
# by on 06/09/04 at 02:57:41thanx for Making these icons i love it, & plzz can you make yahoo msngr emoticons
# by on 06/19/04 at 20:15:54Great job! Although I think the MSN icons look horrible (Microsoft's design of course), at least I can see what my friends want me to see.
# by on 07/11/04 at 10:49:11these icons are very useful in this msn centric world ;)
the only thing is that I don't understand why the icons are ordered the way they are. I always have to scroll the whole list to find what i need. Is thre a way to put them in a different way (for example all the smiles togheter and then the others icons in alphabetical order). thnx # by on 07/26/04 at 18:08:33Hey are these supposed to animate? I'm using 10.2.8 and the latest version of Adium. I've had these since they were first on here and they never animated so I was just wondering if ones like the yawn are supposed to??
# by joannie on 08/27/04 at 16:49:24thank you so much, another pet niggle gone!
i love it when my adium experience just gets 10 times better, thanks again :) # by masterman_luuk on 09/16/04 at 19:00:08YAY!itsgreat!thnxthnxthnxthnx but why didnt move the ones wich gotta move?!?!
# by tim on 09/26/04 at 15:20:27Miriam: They will not animate in 10.2.x (Jaguar). You need to upgrade to 10.3.x (Panther) for them to animate.
10.3.x also fixes Safari's problem with duplicate animated GIFs. # by BlueRevolution on 09/26/04 at 16:10:36Huh, there seem to be a lot of questions about animating. Now for something completely different: why don't they stop animating? A lot of the icons on MSN like rolling eyes and yawn only animate once. Just nitpicking, this is and remains the *only* emoticon set I will ever use since almost all of the people I talk to have MSN and PCs. Nice work, very nice.
# by on 10/15/04 at 14:14:21It doesn't really seem to work at all here. I just started using Adium 0.63 on OS X 10.3. I downloaded and expanded the file and clicked on it as instructed under Support on this site, and i got the message that it was installed. I checked that it has indeed been copied to the Emoticons folder somwhere under Adium prefs in my home directory, where it is the only file (i.e. the 3 default series of smileys aren't there; is this normal?).
But i don't see them appearing in my Emoticons preferences or in my chat windows. Did i forget anything? (I'm not sure i should be posting this here but it seems the obvious place to me) # by Strifer on 10/24/04 at 12:10:48hi pieter, yes it's normal you don't see the default in the folders, since they are within AdiumX. btw.. upgrade to 0.7, it's better than 0.63!
you should see them inside AdiumX's prefs, check it TO GET THE MOVING EMO's WORKING - OSX 10.3 - Adium 0.63 and above - disable the regular MSN smiley kit and activate the animated ones, they should now work in your message window. you may need to close down a window and re-open it. # by on 11/10/04 at 05:21:00I was wondering if there?s any way to make the other emoticons that aren?t msn?s to appear so others that use pcs can interact better when they appear?
# by on 11/24/04 at 00:11:53Using the latest v1.2 and AdiumX 0.72, the graphical reprentation for :-$ was not consistent b/n the IM and what's illustrated.
# by on 11/27/04 at 20:45:31Finally the emoticons are in good quality!
Micrsof sucks so bad!!!! tnxs!!!! # by ashuram on 12/09/04 at 23:37:19I use Panther and the emoicons STILL don't animate. That kinda sucks since the default YIM icons do. However the animated MSN icon kit contains many more icons than the one that came with Adium. I guess it's worth something. Nice job anyway.
# by on 01/02/05 at 19:00:21LISTEN!
ONLY have the MSN ANIMATED set turned ON and NOT THE REGULAR MSN SET! # by Wolf on 01/20/05 at 15:01:39sometimes they animate, sometimes not; strange
using the latest OSX and latest Adium... deleted all prefs and chaches, still not quite sure what is happening [followed all advices here, of course] # by Shell on 01/22/05 at 12:33:25Ok. I LOVE this MSN animated set. This would be the ONLY emoticon set that I would EVER use. But why is it that they are displayed so randomly on the "Select emoticon" drop down menu??
My boyfriend has the same set of emoticons, but his is arranged alphabetically!!! How can I make them appear in sequence?? Please help. Thanks in advance. # by on 02/28/05 at 00:47:59lolz pplz not working on my comp...i dunno y tho..... only @ my dadz :'(
# by on 02/28/05 at 00:50:16lmao...... i'ma bakk
i got noting. nothing iz working i can download like 5 contact things but nothing iz working after that @ my dads everything works but i dunno y it doesn here.....:( # by glowingstarlet18 on 11/06/05 at 18:01:19Is it possible to make the aim animated smileys available with the new aim. The cute yellow ones?
# by chrisfam on 01/18/06 at 10:56:56Thanks for this original MSN icons, but like someone said, they are ugly cuz Micro$soft designed it. I personally find Yahoo! one much more user-friendly, reflect human's emotion more accurately.
# by simplebeep on 03/27/06 at 20:29:09Mine aren't animated!
# by simplebeep on 04/11/06 at 18:08:36Even my friend can't see them as animated...And they actually use MSN!
# by Clarus on 04/16/06 at 06:10:34Am I the only one that types my smileys without the nose so to speak? An example would be the common smiley only works if you enter ':-)' but ':)' doesn't work. Is there some way around this?
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# by @ybee on 05/14/04 at 05:02:28
Good job!