
Profile: Ryan Gordon (jickpictures)

Comment Count 5 comments
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# by jickpictures on 01/21/06 at 09:02:46

Oh, good. Glad to hear it.

# by jickpictures on 01/19/06 at 17:00:55

Oh, I don't know. You can try searching on google for the same font, different website. Maybe it's just that download.

# by jickpictures on 01/17/06 at 16:02:55

That's interesting. I really don't know why. Sorry. Like, when you click on the font, what does it do?

# by jickpictures on 01/16/06 at 12:27:26

It's called Silkscreen. You can download it for free here:

# by jickpictures on 01/16/06 at 12:04:05

Sorry about that. The Status Icons are availble for download now.