
Profile: Anton Bronnikov (courteouselk)

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# by courteouselk on 06/13/12 at 19:30:45

Pls, see above comment.

Sorry for late reply. I am currently far away from Mac development env.

# by courteouselk on 06/13/12 at 19:29:23

Is it possible that you start Adium in debug mode (clicking Adium icon while command key presse will summon a dialog where you can tick "Start in debug mode" checkbox. Then in Finder open "Go->Library" menu while holding Command key pressed. This will open system Library folder where you navigate to LogsAdium Debug folder. Let your Adium+Plugin run for some time while you listen for some music being scrobbled, then collect *.log files and send them to me at anton.bronnikov ook (ook is apparently to be replaced with "at" sign).

Re. your questions. The way the plugin works is that it would check's for inormation for a specified user ID regularly (that is, polling) at some interval. In case if this user ID has something registered as "playing now", the information gets updated to the status.