
Profile: Jonathan Bailey (Bailey)

Comment Count 24 comments
5 xtras

Latest comments

# by Bailey on 04/23/10 at 18:11:48

Yeah these are cool. Could do with removing the white outline on them though :/ Doesn't look good on dark themes.


# by Bailey on 01/08/10 at 19:51:52

Holy crap. They are awesome!!

# by Bailey on 10/18/09 at 16:16:33

I'm glad you asked! I'm already working on them, but progress has been slow because of college >.< I'm also working on a new varient, from scratch, called "SpikeyThing Dark" so keep an eye out ;)


# by Bailey on 09/19/09 at 14:57:16

Nice job!

# by Bailey on 09/09/09 at 21:13:46

I isntalled all the updates and now the animations work! Reall, really, incredible theme!