
Profile: al valty (kikuman)

Google Talk
Comment Count 5 comments
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# by kikuman on 09/08/08 at 16:53:29

Any tips on how to make pants in invisible status more recognizable?

# by kikuman on 05/20/08 at 09:55:37

Ummm, looks very good >__

# by kikuman on 05/20/08 at 09:02:27

Looks very good, thanks Kathryn!
I suggest slightly curved or straight horizontal line or a dot inside bubble for idle status, like nothing is happening.

# by kikuman on 03/27/07 at 17:06:39

lol, sorry nvm the previous comment.
I meant the icon is really nice, Thanks!

# by kikuman on 03/27/07 at 17:05:17

Thx a bunch for great dock icon!