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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Terran Ghost (3 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is a totally Terran Ghost SoundSet from the lovely game StarCraft of course. You have 18 voices in this SoundSet, including example the "Nuclear Launch Detected", "Finally", "I'm here.", "I'm gone."... I think quite a good stuff,...
4707 total
3.8 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.49)
StarCraft II Soundset (3 Comments) - Sound Sets
I saw the awesome gameplay video about StarCraft II, and I really like to make a soundset from that. You could hear the Immortals, the Black hole, Protoss/Terran captain, Zealots, the voice of the Protoss mothership appear, Terran Ghost...
8759 total
3.7 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 1.37)
Terran (12 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is my "Terran" soundset (my first) from the famous game: Starcraft/Broodwar and I think it really pwns! :) Enjoy!
6058 total
3.6 / 155 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
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