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All by user fissure [x]

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Install Rating
Neon (19 Comments) - Status Icons
The status icons are the important part here. I did include the styles I used in the previews, but I'm sure you can come up with something better. Update 1.1: - Mobile icon made by BryanGoldstein has finally been added, but...
16519 total
3.4 / 134 votes
(Ranking: 0.85)
Good Grey (8 Comments) - Message Styles
My take on what a good grey message style should be. unlike my other message style, I made this one almost completely from scratch and I'm happy to try to fix and bugs or make any improvements you might suggest. Update 1.1: - Added a...
5571 total
3.4 / 107 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
White (6 Comments) - Message Styles
Made this theme originally to go with the Milk TiBook mod, and later added a style to go with regular milk. It has no icons or user names, just one header with that information. This doesn't work very well with chats with more than 2...
3717 total
3.3 / 95 votes
(Ranking: 0.59)
Five by Five (2 Comments) - Status Icons
A small black pixel status icon set. All the icons fit within a 5x5 pixel square. This set includes two variations, the normal one has a few pixel padding on the right while the 'extra' variation has something like 7 pixels more space...
1171 total
3.5 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.57)
Black and White (4 Comments) - Contact List Styles
I made this theme to go with the VOID system theme. The font I'm using in the previews in Minx from The status icons come in black and white flavors where as the tab icons are always black.
2219 total
3.4 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 0.57)
Extensions List Style (2 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Here's the list styles I used along with my Status and Service Extension icons. These are list mockups, my pixel fonts don't actually look that crisp and clear. And I could be off by a pixel here and there, but they are here to show...
757 total
3.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Glint (4 Comments) - Message Styles
Here's a quick little theme I made as I was getting tired of the too minimalistic themes, which can be hard to read sometimes, and the too graphic ones which take up way too much space. I was trying to go for a theme that would perfectly...
2032 total
3.1 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.11)
Bars (2 Comments) - Contact List Styles
A black and white list style which uses a custom background image to separate the contacts with horizontal bars. The first version is simply called Bars. It is intended to use my Five by Five status icons and the pixel font...
640 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Status Extensions (1 Comments) - Status Icons
Clearly inspired by Gerrit's App.EXT icon sets, I bring you a small pixel font status icon set. Tell me what you think should be changed, including changing any of the following which I've considered: · CON could be changed to CNT...
1388 total
3.0 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Black (0 Comments) - Status Icons
A very graphic black and white status icon pack intended to be used with my Bars list style: link
482 total
2.4 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.62)
Service Extensions (17 Comments) - Service Icons
Clearly inspired by Gerrit's App.EXT icon sets, I bring you a small pixel font service icon set. Tell me what you think should be changed, including changing any of the following which I've considered: · GDU could be changed to GAD...
39542 total
2.7 / 132 votes
(Ranking: -0.64)
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