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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Random Phobia (5 Comments) - AppleScripts
This script gives a random Phobia when called upon. Usage: /phobia /random_phoba
DJCraze 25.23kb
9491 total
4.4 / 78 votes
(Ranking: 2.65)
Adiumy iMac (Late 2009) (8 Comments) - Dock Icons
• Dock icons set with Adiumy wearing a Apple's cap and behind the recently updated iMac (Late 2009) with Magic Mouse and Apple Wireless Keyboard . • Conjunto de ícones para Dock com o Adiumy usando boné da Apple e...
Regivic 164.43kb
6791 total
4.7 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 2.65)
Pesterchum 7.0 (4 Comments) - Dock Icons
A tribute to 'Homestuck', a collaborative/interactive game found at
jimformation 547.97kb
22207 total
4.4 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 2.64)
AngryBirds.Red (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
I made this icon based on the red-bird from AngryBirds . It's alerts and the connecting are animated. HERE you can find a matching soundset and HERE the Pig. comments and rating are highly appreciated
igit 870.97kb
8038 total
4.4 / 75 votes
(Ranking: 2.63)
Douglas Adams Quote (17 Comments) - AppleScripts
A script which displays quotes from the genius Douglas Adams, author of the hysterically funny series of books, summarized as "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy", which also include a radio series, a TV series, stage play, record albums,...
mr.kolby 11kb
8064 total
4.3 / 104 votes
(Ranking: 2.62)
Metal Gear Solid - Solid Snake Adiumy (8 Comments) - Dock Icons
Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAAAKEEE!!!! Solid Snake has never looked so good. Look for periodic updates (different colors and a mgs4 version complete with octocamo).
mittenhead107 630.11kb
13364 total
4.4 / 74 votes
(Ranking: 2.62)
Angry Birds (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
Angry Birds
l9o 1.74mb
5961 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Rayman Rabbids (9 Comments) - Dock Icons
Rayman Rabbids dock icon created on the base of the fantastic wii game.
gatfil 549.54kb
10611 total
4.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Logo Rokie (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
Logo Rokie the rokies tom bat wesker josh gejor jorge tlaka pa will marvi mac team
tomvx 4.01mb
2275 total
4.4 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Adiumy Horrorshow (8 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adiumy Dock Icon set inspired in Clockwork Orange (book of Anthony Burgess/1962, film of Stanley Kubrick/1971). Jogo de Ícones de Dock Adiumy inspirado em Laranja Mecânica (livro de Anthony Burgess/1962, filme de Stanley...
Regivic 193.39kb
7413 total
4.4 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 2.61)
Eve Wall-E (14 Comments) - Dock Icons
A pack of seven icon for Adium.
Wimacod 278.03kb
26364 total
4.1 / 229 votes
(Ranking: 2.60)
GreenBlack Adiumy (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
This is the new Green Adiumy. I think basic Adiumys with a black beak looks really nice. So here is the GreenBlack Adiumy. Contact me, if you find Bugs or have some Colour suggestions! Contact: Visit my...
-KingROFL- 316.27kb
1761 total
4.3 / 99 votes
(Ranking: 2.59)
The Joker (Batman: The Animated Series) (4 Comments) - Dock Icons
*UPDATED* Please rate and leave a comment.
JackNapier 214.74kb
6073 total
4.4 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 2.59)
Flurry Adium (4 Comments) - Dock Icons
A dock icon to match the Flurry iconset .
dlanham 440.85kb
21311 total
4.3 / 98 votes
(Ranking: 2.59)
Darth Vadium (22 Comments) - Dock Icons
Psiona's Darth Vadium avatar, made into a dock icon. White lightsaber for offline, red for online, purple for away, and yellow for idle.
da_baum 255.92kb
53496 total
4.1 / 225 votes
(Ranking: 2.59)
Batman Beyond (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
Dock Icon from Batman Beyond. Dedicated to Bat
tomvx 249.1kb
3487 total
4.4 / 70 votes
(Ranking: 2.58)
iBubble 3 (25 Comments) - Dock Icons
Introducing the iBubble 3. This version is strongly inspired by Apple's upcoming OS X 10.5 iChat. But don't let it bother you. At this point the other states don't have differently colored bubbles. This is in order to make it...
Iiro 743.68kb
75255 total
4.0 / 380 votes
(Ranking: 2.58)
Adiumy Rounded (9 Comments) - Dock Icons
This is a variant of Adiumy which goes great with Mozilla icons. I have basically made it to fit nicely in my dock next to the icons for Firefox and Thunderbird, but I wanted to share it with you all too.
Rariep 1.47mb
3209 total
4.5 / 52 votes
(Ranking: 2.57)
Adium CS4 (8 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adium icon that matches Adobe CS4® applications
rocha 160.8kb
13323 total
4.3 / 95 votes
(Ranking: 2.57)
Domo-Kun (47 Comments) - Dock Icons
Benjamin 71.62kb
144977 total
3.8 / 1627 votes
(Ranking: 2.57)
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