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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Flat Balloons 2.0 (35 Comments) - Dock Icons
Flattened balloons.
jussi 238.67kb
29528 total
3.9 / 423 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
Marten-Plain White (5 Comments) - Status Icons
Status icons for the Marten-Plain message theme - White style. Includes: Available, away, idle, invisible, typing, content, unknown and offline. Enjoy.
marten 9.29kb
16822 total
4.2 / 93 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
GoneDark (86 Comments) - Message Styles
Glossy, simple, dark... and light.
mr_misanthropy 659.93kb
118997 total
3.8 / 893 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
GoneDark Dock Icon (26 Comments) - Dock Icons
This dock icon cames from the message view style "GoneDark" by David Legnon, and is designed to match as much as possible with the standard, "dark" version. It includes all standard status plus a simple connection animation and a...
v3c 2.2mb
19353 total
4.1 / 139 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
Dinosaur Comics message style (29 Comments) - Message Styles
(Unofficial) Dinosaur Comics message style for Adium. PERHAPS! Website at . Feedback welcome! Coming soon: fantasy-sequence message context, more dinosaurs, the whole bally lot.
qwzybug 41.24kb
9673 total
4.1 / 138 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Weetium (10 Comments) - Message Styles
Weetium is a new theme by Collin Henderson that emulates the look of Weet for Mac - a new Twitter client for Mac, currently in beta. Option to have all messages the grey colour, or have all your incoming as blue included. This...
hendo13 188.74kb
4354 total
4.5 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
OrangeBlack Police Adiumy (1 Comments) - Dock Icons
Hey, I noticed that an orange Adiumy is missing in my collection. So I created this one. The last Icons, which I uploaded were a little bit boring. So I made this. I don't know why I made a Police Adiumy :D But if someone like it I...
-KingROFL- 460.53kb
1797 total
4.2 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Adiumy Juventus (4 Comments) - Dock Icons
Adiumy Juventus This is Icon Dock of the best Team of the Europe. by gate
gatfil 282.87kb
2064 total
4.2 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
SnoopyDock (6 Comments) - Dock Icons
Since there's only one snoopy dock icon on here, I decided to make my own. this is my first xtra, so hope you like it. thanks. Description of pictures. 1- alert (exclamation point changes colors). 2- away. 3- online. 4- connecting...
littleeq 826.67kb
18607 total
4.2 / 91 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Onion Head (17 Comments) - Emoticons
Package with virtually all the emoticons created by Onion Club. Look below for a small preview.
pigaz 989.37kb
29974 total
4.1 / 137 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
LocoRoco in Vector (4 Comments) - Dock Icons
LocoRoco in Vector, by me, Original dockicon idea by Coerul. I did all the images in vectorgraphic, so it is in 128x128 pixel :) And i did an offline icon by myself :) Hope ya like it! LocoRoco ©...
bananiel 72.11kb
6491 total
4.3 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Vectory Ducks 4.5 (65 Comments) - Dock Icons
A set of brand new, image conscious ducks, made with vectors and a lot of love. Comes in 8 colours. Initiated by the animated Vectory duck icon by Radek, this new collection now includes all the default Adium duck colours and more!...
SamGwilym 2.2mb
42258 total
3.9 / 405 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Adiumeetie. (5 Comments) - Dock Icons
Dock icon for Adium following the style of atebit's excellent Tweetie for Mac icon. Feel free to read more about it in the release post in my blog where you can download this icon in even more formats: Adiumeetie. Tweetie Style...
kremalicious 217.88kb
6913 total
4.2 / 90 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
MoreMinimal (13 Comments) - Message Styles
The adium 8 Minimal theme wasn't very Minimal. This drops the two-line thing and the timestamps. It does, however, keep the left-bar >> thing in Next messages.
msporleder 15.04kb
12180 total
4.2 / 90 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Mr.T (14 Comments) - Dock Icons
He ain't goin' on no plane! 2.0 is here..finally! Added the infamous feathers, earrings, and attitude!
Bonka 78.82kb
32101 total
4.0 / 221 votes
(Ranking: 2.34) Icon for Adium (0 Comments) - Dock Icons
FatBird.colors series. Color: Black
3fl 2.88mb
3860 total
4.6 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
Fiat (47 Comments) - Message Styles
A slick theme with several color variations. Fiat doesn't sprawl across your entire screen, and it doesn't hurt to look at it either.
dzhim 75.48kb
72810 total
3.8 / 837 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
Deadmau5 (2 Comments) - Dock Icons
A series of colored mouse heads logos from the house artist Deadmau5 Green - Online Red - Offline Blue - Away Magenta - Invisible Message - animation of green and magenta
walsh16 734.9kb
2450 total
4.9 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
Marten-Plain (12 Comments) - Message Styles
1.1 version supports an alternate layout of messages. This is my very first attempt at making my own Adium-theme. I was inspired by the iPhone Message Style theme, and wanted to keep a simple and clean look. Available in white and...
marten 86.19kb
26468 total
4.1 / 133 votes
(Ranking: 2.34)
cool cat (43 Comments) - Emoticons
This is cool, big, unusual emoticon. I don't know who made these emoticons. But my friends already use it for their jabber... ^_^ I suggest u to download it first and then install it manually..
tikabanget 283.82kb
51156 total
3.9 / 393 votes
(Ranking: 2.33)
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