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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Classic ROCK (11 Comments) - Sound Sets
This is Adium... Classic Rock Style Featuring Clips from The Eagles Jimi Hendrix Billy Joel The Doors Bob Dylan The Who The Rolling Stones Pink Floyd Deep Purple Led Zeppelin and The Beatles
metsnyfan87 1.41mb
30605 total
3.5 / 313 votes
(Ranking: 1.25)
Twitterrific (11 Comments) - Status Icons
Pretty self-explanatory: this was made from Iconfactory's application, Twitterrific's icons. Made to go with my Twitterrific contact list theme: Links: Twitterrific -...
kmccormi 163.78kb
30520 total
4.1 / 41 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
CrazyRabbit (12 Comments) - Emoticons
This is my first emoticon set for Adium (I liked CrazyRabbit so much I even have these emoticons at the office). I wanted to give credit to the author but I couldn't find any names or copyright info. I got these CrazyRabbit icons from...
rtovars 394.35kb
30468 total
4.1 / 157 votes
(Ranking: 2.42)
Batman Duck (24 Comments) - Dock Icons
na na na na na na na na ......(cheesy TV theme song).......Batman!
lysistrata398 60.78kb
30417 total
4.0 / 212 votes
(Ranking: 2.33)
iChatgibi (11 Comments) - Status Icons
iChat status on Adium
cansusam 40.12kb
30213 total
3.9 / 267 votes
(Ranking: 2.18)
iChat Complete (12 Comments) - Emoticons
I realize there are several iChat emoticon sets out there already. I wasn't satisfied with those sets, so I made my own. I believe you shouldn't have to use a menu to use emoticons. So these icons attempt to be simple, with no more icons...
simpolman 49.01kb
29996 total
3.7 / 419 votes
(Ranking: 1.84)
Onion Head (17 Comments) - Emoticons
Package with virtually all the emoticons created by Onion Club. Look below for a small preview.
pigaz 989.37kb
29974 total
4.1 / 137 votes
(Ranking: 2.35)
Leopard (3 Comments) - Contact List Styles
Leopard Style Contact List Inspired by Apple's new Operating System (OS) 10.5 "Leopard" I created this contact list to go with the general "Leopard" menubars. Enjoy. Instructions: Be sure to download the pack, that way you...
Boramor 24.23kb
29844 total
4.0 / 62 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
Sod Say 3.0! (NEW) (40 Comments) - AppleScripts
The cult classic IRC figure, Sod, is back for retribution on Adium. Sod Say trumps Aol Say, mirroring the colorfully humorous, personal diction quipped by ...the man ...the myth ...the legend Sod, himself. SodSay 3.0 adds 55 new...
khoerling 12.05kb
29692 total
3.4 / 262 votes
(Ranking: 0.97)
It's a Dock! (34 Comments) - Contact List Styles
A style that gives your contact list the simple and clean look of the dock! Update (10/18/04): This contact list style has been ported to Adium X 0.7! You are downloading both a list layout and a color theme.
tavilach 1.57kb
29622 total
3.5 / 352 votes
(Ranking: 1.27)
Flat Balloons 2.0 (35 Comments) - Dock Icons
Flattened balloons.
jussi 238.67kb
29528 total
3.9 / 423 votes
(Ranking: 2.36)
Final Fantasy (18 Comments) - Sound Sets
a soundset from the Final Fantasy game.
jumpers-eye 40.32kb
29492 total
3.5 / 157 votes
(Ranking: 1.10)
dia status icons (26 Comments) - Status Icons
Now also in graphite! This status set is the evolution of my gems remix. It comes in 3 variations: Set 1 (regular iChat colors) Set 2 (few colors, 3 options): blue, green, pink or graphite - available dark grey - away...
Diatribe 345.89kb
29439 total
3.8 / 297 votes
(Ranking: 1.98)
Mnmlsm (22 Comments) - Message Styles
Less vowels, less clutter, less waste. Still, it has some nifty feature build in: better file request. Shiny and easy to use. Shift+Click the Save-Button to use "Save as..." scales with your fontsize disable user icons to enable...
pichfl 13.23kb
29353 total
4.3 / 264 votes
(Ranking: 3.15)
iChat 4 (5 Comments) - Menu Bar Icons
The menubar icon from iChat 4 in Mac OS X Leopard.
Szilard 5.34kb
28828 total
3.0 / 226 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
WarCraft III sounds (13 Comments) - Sound Sets
A collection of sounds from everyone's favorite RTS game.
thesilverfox06 597.75kb
28794 total
2.8 / 132 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
QiP Infium compatible (16 Comments) - Emoticons
98 smilies from QiP Infium original set
ne_toy 428.56kb
28674 total
3.8 / 246 votes
(Ranking: 1.91)
Burned Adium 2.3 (14 Comments) - Dock Icons
Update: 1, the duck is too dark a little bit, so I bright them up. 2, chang the connection pic. 3, no weird shadow during the connection 4, add some smoke after hit by the thunder
thy 434.43kb
28601 total
4.0 / 196 votes
(Ranking: 2.29)
EVE (12 Comments) - Dock Icons
WALL-E ❤ EVE This is the Unofficial Adium icon for the animated movie WALL-E. The set currently only contains EVE. I'm not going to spoil anything go watch the HD trailers at I just love how well made the characters...
Mxmln 33.05kb
28570 total
4.0 / 267 votes
(Ranking: 2.43)
klickklack (27 Comments) - Dock Icons
I was searching for some super super simple icons but none of them realy impressed me. So I made my own ones. I hope you guys like it and I hope it all works properly (This is my first AdiumXtra). If you got any improvement...
3000 22.36kb
28440 total
4.0 / 350 votes
(Ranking: 2.54)
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