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Status Icons

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Bullet Holes (2 Comments)
Bullet Hole Icon Set This is a status set to go with my other Watchmen-themed icons. Nothing super-special, but it rounds out the set. Let me know if you have suggestions, compliments, criticism. Enjoy!
pixelauthor 112.68kb
1342 total
3.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
colours switched (2 Comments)
This set of status icons is a modified version for Chimpytwm's "hearty" status icons. I changed which colour went with what status, other than that its the same. The only thing different is: Green heart: available Pink heart: away...
allie25489 44.76kb
1334 total
4.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.90)
Tama Status Icons (2 Comments)
Submitted by request in the screenshot thread on the forums. These icons are of Tama, the lovable flying turtle from Love Hina. Her shells change colors based on the buddy's status, and she makes different faces for typing, entered...
thesilverfox06 478.95kb
1321 total
3.8 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 1.06)
cocoaforge mugs (1 Comments)
My first set of status icons. I don't see why nobody made it before.
kirk 10.04kb
1320 total
4.1 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.26)
Simple - White (5 Comments)
"Simple, monochromatic status icons" - Inverted for dark backgrounds. All credit goes to Richard Gilbert ( dcentity2000 )
Spookster 93.74kb
1306 total
3.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
Whisp (2 Comments)
This pack contains two status icon packs (standard and traditional, two colour variants) plus one contact list layout and three contact list colour schemes (standard, coloured in standard colours and coloured in traditional colours)....
dcentity2000 241.31kb
1305 total
3.6 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.77)
TrafficLights (4 Comments)
Very simple but cool TrafficLights-Status Icons.
xSpikex 19.43kb
1261 total
3.5 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.59)
Mario 3 (1 Comments)
Just a quick mario sprite status images. Wasn't too happy with the only other mario status. Tried to match available=green, away=red, idle=yellow. Thought the Takooni statue was clever for invisible though ;)
7on 83.37kb
1259 total
2.9 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.13)
Android status (1 Comments)
I just created this status icon set for all Android lovers. I hope you like them, and if you don't, please comment and I'll try to improve them!
ilnuska 10.07kb
1258 total
4.1 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.23)
FF Black Mage Status (1 Comments)
The Final Fantasy blackmage dock icon is a my favourite dock icon atm and i wanted a matching status icon for my contact list, so here it is. I just used the images from the dock icon (+1 extra) and resized them to status icons. enjoy!
Spookster 52.28kb
1257 total
2.4 / 30 votes
(Ranking: -0.89)
Five by Five White&Red (1 Comments)
Completely ripped off from fissure's Five by Five, I wanted a white version of the tiny icons for my darker background. Then I noticed that on the message window it didn't show up, so I made a red one too. Simple. (Oh, and I added...
SixQ 147.87kb
1252 total
3.6 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Safari->Arrows (3 Comments)
v.1.0 now uses the safari "history" clock for idle status, and the flag from mail for content... v.0.5 took the arrow from the url field in safari and made a status icon pack out of them. looks great with the safari rss message...
gottacoppafeel 203.25kb
1214 total
2.7 / 42 votes
(Ranking: -0.49)
Airport Status Icons (0 Comments)
A set of status icons using the AIGA and Department of Transportation standard passenger and pedestrian icons. Images taken from the AIGA site .
JeremyAvalon 13.38kb
1198 total
3.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
Traffic Lights Status Icon Set (4 Comments)
A colorful and complete status icon set with crisp transparency. Inspired by the traffic lights concept of the Mac OS UI. Some notes on the icon colors: The Invisible icon (as far as I know) isn't ever visible in the Contact...
HumphreyBogart 124.33kb
1187 total
4.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
Glass Sweets (4 Comments)
I liked the Round Glass Sweets by Spike_may that much that I wanted them as status icons, too. So I asked him for permission to use the icons and also got permisson from dcentity2000 to use the "typing" and "new message" icons of Jive. I...
Corny 59.03kb
1171 total
3.9 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.97)
Five by Five (2 Comments)
A small black pixel status icon set. All the icons fit within a 5x5 pixel square. This set includes two variations, the normal one has a few pixel padding on the right while the 'extra' variation has something like 7 pixels more space...
fissure 105.57kb
1170 total
3.5 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.57)
Coly Stati (5 Comments)
Say hello to Coly Stati. These are status icons, and like their sibling, the Coly message theme, they are focused on usability and minimalism. They come in two variations, Diurnal and Nocturnal, black and white. - We also packed in...
Briix 619.04kb
1169 total
4.5 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 1.67)
1Dots (4 Comments)
Simple white icons with a coloured dot in the middle and a shadow around. Fits best with white and bright contact-lists.
xSpikex 104.08kb
1164 total
3.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Foxxies Status (3 Comments)
These foxes are now in status! From the cute Emoticon set Opiummmm Foxxies, someone said:hey can you make status icons of these? Then i make it! Enjoy!
enkuturi-akrias 59.6kb
1164 total
2.5 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.63)
Facet (2 Comments)
Well, they're unusual, you gotta give them that! Two packs included, original (centre preview) and traditional (bottom preview).
dcentity2000 247.14kb
1144 total
2.9 / 18 votes
(Ranking: -0.13)
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