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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Obama Quotes (2 Comments)
I was a bit surprised when I didn't see any Obama quote scripts, so I put this together. This sets text automagically to Barack Obama quotes. To trigger the script type "%obama" and it will immediately insert the quote. Based on the...
m95 12.62kb
846 total
3.9 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 1.44)
Dane Cook quotes (5 Comments)
This morning I saw Evan's Mitch Hedberg script and it inspired me to create one with Dane Cook quotes. This script will display a random quote based on the list from To use this script type:...
edr1084 27.13kb
2179 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Random G2G Excuses (4 Comments)
inspired by the /brb applescript. pretty much the same thing, it just uses g2g and has different excuses. type /g2g to use it.
fiftyfour123 4.08kb
932 total
4.1 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Random (Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T) Fact Generator (12 Comments)
You've seen them before: random (ludicrous, offensive, and hilarious) "facts" about everyone's favorite celebrities from . Now, just type %_vin, %_chuck, %_mrt, and %_all to get a random fact about Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Mr. T,...
ajenko 4.34kb
2531 total
4.1 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Dr. Cox Quote Generator (1 Comments)
/dr_cox will display a random Dr. Cox quote from Scrubs. Download it, Judy.
rousseau 13.48kb
2203 total
4.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
DontIgnoreAdium (10 Comments)
If you get an instant message in Adium, but you've got some other app open (like a webbrowser, finder window, etc.) in front of it, this script will wait a couple minutes, then throw up a Growl sticky telling you not to ignore Adium....
flawless 3.84kb
1806 total
4.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
stoopid fr (6 Comments)
Voici la traduction du script Stoopid a utiliser quand vous vous fichez éperduement de ce que vous raconte votre interlocuteur!! pour l'utiliser tapez: /stupid Une phrase completement stupide s'inscirera aleatoirement dans votre...
Fanatux 7.44kb
449 total
4.4 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Snowtape Script (7 Comments)
Displays currently playing/streaming/recording track in Snowtape. Keyword: /snow App Website:
MacGuyBrush 9.65kb
194 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
turl (1 Comments)
Create a tinyurl from a link in your clipboard. Just copy the link and use %_turl instead of pasting it.
quaestor 4.26kb
800 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
The Big Lebowski Quotes (6 Comments)
Lots of qoutes from the movie The Big Lebowski. For a quote from anyone in the movie say /thebig for a quote the dude say /thedude and for a qoute from walter say /walter . note: this is just verion 1.0 and the dude and walter...
DiscoJoey 22.19kb
3290 total
3.8 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.39)
Chocolate Starfish (1 Comments)
Tired of letting your friends know what ho-hum music you are currently listening to? Well now with Chocolate Starfish you can pretend you are listening to the worst music imaginable! Dazzle your friends with music so horrible it's...
quinnchr 7.78kb
585 total
4.2 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Timed Greeting (3 Comments)
This little script sends a predetermined message to a contact based on the current time. Its ideal for sending messages by using buddy alerts to run an applescript. The time periods are Morning (12 am -11:59 am) Afternoon (12 pm - 5:59...
ihaveabellybutton 16.64kb
1767 total
3.8 / 52 votes
(Ranking: 1.37)
RickRoll (4 Comments)
RickRoll your friends! Now, you can rickroll your friends even easier! Just type /rickroll{message} or %_rickroll{message} and you're done.
tpinto 4.93kb
1841 total
4.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Demetri Martin Quotes (0 Comments)
My favorite comedian. Use with "%demetri". for example, %demetri - Demetri Martin would yield" A quick way to start a conversation is to say something like 'What’s your favorite color?' A quick way to end a conversation is to...
mrmacdude 11.08kb
571 total
4.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
G-Translator (0 Comments)
This is a really simple translator since the other translation script extra didn't seem to work for me. This script only uses Google's translation service. Any input/ouput pair that's valid on should work, but I...
tallerthenyou 7.44kb
643 total
4.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Atheist (1 Comments)
This script randomly generates one of fifty athiest quotes from various historical and philosophical figures from throughout history including Einstein, Nietzsche, Hawking, Voltaire, Hitchens and various others. This script may perhaps...
oilhockey 11.23kb
804 total
4.3 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Slap (1 Comments)
This is a script that generates a random slap to hit the person you're chatting to. This is a piece of Fun, not at all serious... Format: I [action] {name} [prep] [adjective] [object] . [action] - verb e.g.: kills, slaps, hits...
ashe613 8.24kb
2205 total
4.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
deliciousAdium (0 Comments)
This script pulls the most recent links from any delicious user every few hours. To show the text, type %delicious where you want the links to appear. After installing, you should edit the number of links, user, and frequency of...
yanokwa 9.08kb
301 total
4.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
h4x0r (1 Comments)
l33t h4x0r Translator Syntax: %_h4x{} Example: %_h4x{ Here is some sample text and I am sending it to you through Adium } H3r3 1$ $0m3 $4mp£3 t3xt 4nÐ 1 4m $3nÐ1ng 1t t0 ¥0µ thr0µgh 4Ð1µm
wrongdog 6.68kb
1651 total
4.7 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
Reverse Words (7 Comments)
This will reverse the words in the {}'s like this: /rw{Hello this is zaudragon!} --> olleH siht si !nogarduaz Hope you like it! BTW I used the code of "Reverse Words" which is on
zaudragon 6.45kb
2748 total
3.7 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 1.32)
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