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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
lowbrow (8 Comments)
lowbrow script by ipi37 this script pulls down a random lowbrow moment from and then it attempts to parse it for just the "moment." (my shell command parsing skills leave much to be desired so it's bulky i am...
ipi37 6.57kb
471 total
3.1 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
Latin Tester (9 Comments)
This is something I made to help me study for school. It asks you the words in latin and you have to type them in english or it can ask you in english and you type them in latin (10 questions). You can also send the words to your ipod....
ihaveabellybutton 42.33kb
622 total
3.1 / 69 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
My Jewish Mother (3 Comments)
It seems that when ever i talk to my mother, she says the same things. So now, I've just replaced her with an AppleScript. Trigger: /nudge{gender} where gender is either "m" or "f" I think this is about as much functionality as...
dcdave81 7.71kb
2209 total
3.1 / 66 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
CurrentWebBrowserPage (5 Comments)
This script is sort of like the button Insert Link to Safari that comes with Adium, but instead of just working with Safari this script will work with Safari, WebKit, Firefox, Opera and Camino. When there is more than one browser...
Hipska87 14.51kb
971 total
3.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Yo Momma Spammer (4 Comments)
Spam your friend with 10 Yo Momma jokes at once!! Annoy them, get them angry, and even get your mom mad! Requires to have the YoMomma plugin already installed. It can be found here
Danny 3.35kb
690 total
3.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Coffee Talk (1 Comments)
Are you feeling verklempt? Or do you just need a conversation starter? Then Coffee Talk is for you. Just use %_CT to put in a random Linda Richman conversation topic from SNL's Coffee Talk skits.
dcox 34.07kb
811 total
3.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Popularity (7 Comments)
Shows others how many chats you are currently involved in like "4 IMs + 2 chats".
zac 6.99kb
965 total
3.1 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Myspace Friends (5 Comments)
For all who are addicted to myspace, here is an xtra that shows how many friends you have. Type "myspacefriends{ yoururl }" to use. If you don't know your URL then your friend ID will also work. ( yoururl...
ihaveabellybutton 27.76kb
1242 total
3.1 / 45 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Deep Thoughts (5 Comments)
Deep Thoughts (by Jack Handy) are now brought to Adium for your scriptal enjoyment! This is a script that randomly generates "Deep Thoughts" upon entering, "%_deepthoughts".
ichamber 17.3kb
961 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
4chan quote script (4 Comments)
This is a quoting script, like any other, only this one quotes memes from 4chan, mostly /b/. I noticed there wasn't one. I basically copied the code from the Frank Zappa script, and edited it to serve my needs. Now I give it to you....
swab148 8.15kb
944 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Generate Random String (0 Comments)
This script can generate random strings (hence the title). They can consist of numbers, symbols, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters. Here's how to use it: #genrandstring{ numberofcharacters , chrtype } numberofcharacters -...
ihaveabellybutton 8.97kb
559 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
iTunes Playlist Info (3 Comments)
OK, so I know Adium iTunes Controller also has this, but I never used its code or anything… and Reikon points to this script if you don’t like /pinfo included in AiTC. This was made for pyrojunky from the forums. But still, I had to...
zaudragon 19.23kb
1325 total
3.1 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 0.15)
10mail (1 Comments)
Sometimes you need a disposal mail address. This script will create one for you! Simply by using the trigger %_10mail a disposal mail address will be created. The mail address is valid for 10 minutes, with the ability to extend the...
AssetBurned 6.89kb
621 total
3.5 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.15)
RandomBashQuote (5 Comments)
RandomBashQuote is a function based off of /brb, and is fairly simple. Simply type in /rbq and one of a group of quotes from will pop up! Your friends will laugh their nerdy tails off at your wit. More changes on the...
HuoMaKe 10.25kb
847 total
3.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
Stewie Griffin Random Quote Generator (5 Comments)
This script spews random quotes from Stewie Griffin (Family Guy) by typing /stewie Check out the Brian Griffin Random Quote Generator as well!
MacDaddy 11.39kb
3197 total
3.1 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.12)
Camino Current Page (0 Comments)
A better version of the Camino Current Page script - it doesn't pop Camino to the front, and is much shorter.
schinckel 6.45kb
748 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Random Bashing (4 Comments)
Take it from someone who has read ALL of bash so you don't have to. Random bashing is a database of 380+ quotes. These are limited to one or two sentences with minimal editing for continuity. I created this to use as an auto...
Ebby 35.25kb
1417 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Get FStream Current Track (0 Comments)
This AppleScript will query and display the current track and artist info from the URL being played (if it is supported by the stream) from the OSX App FStream 1.4.6 by Avérous Julien-Pierre ( available at...
AlphaPower 44.76kb
259 total
5.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Plusar Radio Status (0 Comments)
This is a fixed version of Vlad Zaharia's Satellite Radio Status This script is very simple, it allows you to display what you're listening to on satellite radio, either XM Radio Online or Sirius Radio Online. It shows the track...
bifuteki 8.16kb
106 total
5.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00) - formerly (0 Comments)
Effortlessly sends the contents of the copy/paste buffer to Copy some text to send, and type /tny to send the text to and send a link to that to the chat. /ftny is similar, except it enables syntax highlighting. If...
MagisterQuis 3.11kb
61 total
1.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
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