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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Get Weather (0 Comments)
An Applescript that uses a python script with the help of pywapi to parse the WOEID (where in the world) to display the current weather conditions. Install - Extract and double-click the resulting 'Get Weather.AdiumScripts'. Usage...
AlphaPower 12.4kb
388 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Radio Call Sign (13 Comments)
Provides the typical radio call sign translation of one or more words. For example: MDX13 becomes Mike Delta Xray One Three. To use: /radio{xxx} where xxx is the word / phrase to translate to Radio Call Sign.
KiltOtter 18.03kb
2629 total
3.3 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Now Playing Ecoute (1 Comments)
Just a "Now playing" status if you are using 'Ecoute' instead of 'iTunes'. (Ecoute is available here: how to use: Simply put "%_ecoute" as your IM status.
ldesroziers 12.85kb
383 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Interrobang (1 Comments)
"The interrobang or interabang[1] (pronounced /ɪnˈtɛrəbæŋ/), ‽, is a nonstandard English-language punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of the question mark (also called the interrogative...
Jackcday 8.39kb
191 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
"Deine Mutter..." (2 Comments)
GERMAN ONLY: Dieses kleine Skript macht nichts anderes als aus mehr als 70 verschiedenen "Deine Mutter..." Aussagen eine auszuwählen und dem Chat-Partner zu übermitteln ;) Sollte nicht zu ernst genommen werden!!! Falls jemand will...
FlipAcE 11.01kb
853 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Stephen Wright One-Liners (2 Comments)
This script inserts a random Stephen Wright one-liner out of a whopping 129 jokes. There's nothing too crude, I don't think, so there's no need to worry about that. The trigger is: %_swright. After I first installed it I had some...
kmod060 11.65kb
733 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Be Right Back (0 Comments)
Be Right Back combines elements from brb and Quick Status . It changes your status to "Be Right Back" or "Available" and simultaneously sends a random greeting to either the active chat or all chats. Commands: /brb -...
daemon 11.78kb
631 total
3.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Countdown: Multilingual with Precision Control (4 Comments)
It's an improvement of this Countdown script from itthe . Added multiple languages and precision of output. New features: Support for multiple languages Support for limit the precision of the output (weeks, days, hours,...
joseluis 30.03kb
673 total
3.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.27)
MSN to Adium Log Converter (15 Comments)
Migrating to Adium from MSN Messenger for Mac? Don't want to lose your conversation histories? This script converts saved messages from MSN to Adium. Drag and drop full folders of conversations, select the aliases, and have the...
fuyutsuki 52.84kb
3139 total
3.2 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Rate Current iTunes Track (0 Comments)
Several scripts for rating the current track in iTunes: /rate x , where x is 0-5, will rate a track as that many stars. /rate{xx} will rate a song as that percentage (0-100). 0 is no stars, 20 one star and so on.
schinckel 16.81kb
669 total
3.3 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.23)
AOLsay (14 Comments)
Applescript interpretation of aol.bx. It can be a bit harsh, so avoid excessive /aolsay with your grandmother. It just picks an AOL lamer phrase at random.
evulish 17.71kb
2645 total
3.1 / 189 votes
(Ranking: 0.23)
Set Idle (12 Comments)
This script is for pure avoidance of others. For instance, suppose there is someone you are trying to avoid and just plain don't want to talk to. But you don't want to block or ignore them. (This happens to me frequently.) So I wrote...
ipi37 3.23kb
2630 total
3.1 / 168 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
iTunes-ish (19 Comments)
This is essentially Scottish's %_tunes script packaged to work with the new script package format. Does all sorts of fancy stuff, including streaming music. Note from Scottish I passed this through temporarily until I can repack the...
capacity 11.03kb
2225 total
3.1 / 165 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
Shakespearean Insult (6 Comments)
Takes a randomly generated Shakespeare-style insult from Allows you to specify the capitalization of the first letter, so you can use the insult in a sentence if you want. Someday, this would probably be...
lankybutmacho 4.92kb
953 total
3.1 / 125 votes
(Ranking: 0.21)
Anym Acronym Script (25 Comments)
It's an acronym replacement script aimilar to those seen on irc, replaces lol with Laughing Out Loud, etc. It's NOT censored, so sensitive people should sit out. So wtf becomes exactly what wtf means. Enjoy!
Reikon 11.87kb
1225 total
3.1 / 125 votes
(Ranking: 0.21)
fortune (10 Comments)
fortune is an AppleScript that inserts a random fortune into your IM conversation. It contains the following modules: %_fortune: simply picks a fortune from a list embedded in the script. %_runfortune: for people who have the...
cowgomoo 29.55kb
2277 total
3.1 / 121 votes
(Ranking: 0.21)
Magic 8-Ball Script (5 Comments)
Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question and find what the future holds for you...7ha7z 73h 7h3orY 4nyw4yZ. Enjoy!
Reikon 5.38kb
2119 total
3.1 / 115 votes
(Ranking: 0.21)
Hangman (18 Comments)
How to use: To play: %_hangman_play To reset your stats: %_hangman_reset_stats To reset your word list: %_hangman_reset_words If you want to use your own words, run Hangman once then edit the file...
ihaveabellybutton 18.64kb
3032 total
3.1 / 89 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
YahooBuzz (11 Comments)
/buzz sends an ascii CTRL-G (BELL) character, which causes Yahoo! Messenger to "buzz".
michaelhauser 6.3kb
2936 total
3.1 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
Print URL to current iTunes Track (12 Comments)
This script outputs a link to the currently playing iTunes track so your buddies can listen to the music you're listening to. Note: You must have an admin password and an internet connection that allows you to serve web pages. This...
jrigby 191.13kb
1287 total
3.1 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
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