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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Annoy (21 Comments)
Have you ever wanted to annoy someone with your love for them? Well now you can!!! With this new script from ipi37 you can message someone at a set interval for as long as you want with the same message... over and over and over and...
ipi37 5.3kb
2691 total
3.4 / 120 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
Adium Googlismifier (15 Comments)
Goes to Googlism and gets the Googlisms for a person, then inserts a random one from that list into the chat. Awesome conversation stopper. To use it, enter %googlism{ name } . Note that the curly brackets around the name are...
BlueRevolution 12.87kb
2368 total
3.4 / 118 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
Link Maker (9 Comments)
For all those times when file transfer doesn't work for whatever reason. This script will copy a selected file into your "Sites" folder and insert a nice link to it. For it to work, you need to have Web Sharing turned on in the...
jack 15.42kb
1352 total
3.4 / 117 votes
(Ranking: 0.83)
Define It (25 Comments)
This script parses the pages and spits out the first definition for a word. Also provides a direct link to the definition page just in case the parsing doesn't work. Version 2.1 will give suggestions for typos. For...
jack 15.52kb
3090 total
3.4 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
TwitterStatusX (6 Comments)
This a script that posts your Twitter status on Adium using PHP. Features Handles multiple accounts Allows only unprotected accounts Allows retweets and @replies to be hidden Allows API retweets to be fully displayed...
Ozy 4.56kb
707 total
4.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
WoW /roll script (2 Comments)
Just a simple script to allow users to use the /roll command to return a string "You rolled X. (1-100)" where X = any number between 1 to 100. Got the idea from World of Warcraft's /roll. Now WoW addicts can /roll outta WoW too =p desu.
desu 5.98kb
584 total
4.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Magic 8 Ball Fr (0 Comments)
Fr Voici une version francisée du script de Reikon ( ). J'ai aussi fait quelques changements de mise en forme du texte. En This is a French version of the Reikon'script (...
Thibaud 5.99kb
474 total
4.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
ROT13 (3 Comments)
ROT13 or rotate alphabet 13 places, is a simple Caeser cipher used by Usenet to hide possibly offensive message and/or spoilers. It moves each character of text 13 places forward//backward in the alphabet. This ROT13 algorithm is...
Reikon 12.65kb
1040 total
3.5 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Monkey Island Insult Swordfighting (2 Comments)
This is a simple script to simulate the hilarious insult swordfighting of Monkey Island. Type /insult for a random insult and /comeback for a random comeback.
toddski 5.65kb
494 total
3.9 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.76)
Killed! (5 Comments)
Function: Inserts a 'cause of death' from a NetHack logfile into a message. (Other files named 'logfile' can be used, but results won't match the following description?) Usage: %_killed{ Context } Examples: %_killed{ant}...
Hypercube 14.38kb
1031 total
3.4 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
randam (6 Comments)
This applescript will accomplish a similar task as AutoAdium and will randomly change Adium's away message at a desired interval. The user needs to create a .txt file in their home directory with a listing off all the user's desired away...
goinup 4.16kb
417 total
3.5 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
RSS News Headlines (15 Comments)
Keep people informed by having links to all the latest news headlines from an RSS feed of your choice in your profile or away message. It gives you one headline at a time, and cycles through them at a specified time interval from 30...
noleli 173.06kb
2665 total
3.4 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Word Finder (3 Comments)
This script will give you all of the words that can be made with a combination of letters. For example: %_words{adium} will return 22 words found for adium: ad ai am id ma mi mu um aid aim ami amu dam dim dui mad mid mud amid...
jack 5.65kb
2076 total
3.4 / 71 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
CurrentLocation (23 Comments)
Thanks to Dean Carlson for fixing the script! this script determines your current location based on your ip address. It outputs your city followed by the region (state or province) and country. to use type %_mylocation
fiftyfour123 7.25kb
1482 total
3.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
Adium Googler (2 Comments)
Contains scripts for searching Google, I'm Feeling Lucky, Google Images and Google News. /gsearch{query} /glucky{query} /gimage{query} /gnews{query} Supports queries with quotes and spaces.
jack 13.2kb
2499 total
3.4 / 69 votes
(Ranking: 0.74)
ü8312-1_££7 (14 Comments)
Usage: /l{ Some Text } See Chris Lawson's ReadMe since most of the information is the same, except for the letters. Just see for yourself! The Alphabet: ^ 13 { [} ? 1= & {=} ! ; { 9 12 $ 7 1_1 The Wikipeda Leet page . Note:...
zaudragon 29.83kb
967 total
3.4 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
iCal2Adium (11 Comments)
Based loosely on Away Cal I made some improvements and additions based on a script I made for iChat. It will display whatever events you have from iCal. You can specify which calendar you want to use, or use them all. Usage...
andrewconti 9.04kb
1232 total
3.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Map Of... (4 Comments)
This will display a map with the map of your choice. The ones supported are: Google (/gm) Yahoo (/ym) MapQuest (/mm) For Google, don't include commas. Yahoo and MapQuest need commas, however, in these formats: Yahoo:...
zaudragon 13.62kb
1622 total
3.4 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
Pig Latin (7 Comments)
This will turn any text into Pig Latin, but will disregard punctuation marks! Example: /pl{This script is cool!} returns: isThay criptsay is oolcay has the rules to the script, here...
zaudragon 8.26kb
1730 total
3.4 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 0.73)
MultiConverter (1 Comments)
This is a script to convert from decimal, ascii, hex, or binary to decimal, ascii, hex, or binary - hence the name. The conversion to ASCII is based on the work of Ben Froman (Dwarf84396), so credit goes to him for that bit. The script...
Schwolop 14.78kb
911 total
3.5 / 28 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
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