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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Lucky Number Slevin (0 Comments)
Hallo, hier mein deutschsprachiges Xtra zum Film Lucky Number Slevin ! Der Film zeichnet sich durch coole und zugleich sinnlose Dialoge aus. Die Handlung ist jedoch auch sehr spannend! German only! Input: /lns Output:...
powerkarting 7.62kb
240 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
Die Simpsons - Zitate (6 Comments)
Deutsche Simpsons-Zitate. Einfach mit %ds aufrufen! Viel Spaß!!! Schreibt mir doch wie es euch gefällt! German Simpsons-Quotes. Type %diesimpsons. Have Fun. Please leave any comments!
sideshow 1.75kb
3547 total
4.3 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 1.94)
Globalcast (Offline) (4 Comments)
I take no credit for this - I just followed the instructions given by evands ! This script will send a message to all of your contacts. Simply use /global_off{message here} to activate it! Warnings! This does NO TESTS...
ecable 5.77kb
327 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Globalcast (2 Comments)
I take no credit for this - I just followed the instructions given by evands ! This script will send a message to all your currently online contacts. Simply use /global{message here} to activate it! Warnings! This does NO...
ecable 5.58kb
549 total
4.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
Dane Cook quotes (5 Comments)
This morning I saw Evan's Mitch Hedberg script and it inspired me to create one with Dane Cook quotes. This script will display a random quote based on the list from To use this script type:...
edr1084 27.13kb
2185 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
George Carlin Quotes (2 Comments)
Just a bunch of George Carlin quotes. Definitely NSFW (but that pretty much goes without saying...). To use this script type %_carlin.
edr1084 13.02kb
691 total
4.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.93)
4chan quote script (4 Comments)
This is a quoting script, like any other, only this one quotes memes from 4chan, mostly /b/. I noticed there wasn't one. I basically copied the code from the Frank Zappa script, and edited it to serve my needs. Now I give it to you....
swab148 8.15kb
944 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Say (0 Comments)
Speaks text for you. Usage : %_say{0 bottles of beer on the wall, 0 bottles of beer, you take 1 down, pass it around, 4294967295 bottles of beer on the wall.}
Sovok 4.57kb
2265 total
5.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Deep Thoughts (5 Comments)
Deep Thoughts (by Jack Handy) are now brought to Adium for your scriptal enjoyment! This is a script that randomly generates "Deep Thoughts" upon entering, "%_deepthoughts".
ichamber 17.3kb
961 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Pulp Fiction Quotes (12 Comments)
I noticed there was no Pulp Fiction quote script, and decided to create one. This Xtra will insert random Pulp Fiction quotes into your message. There's a lot of them. Based on the Douglas Adams Quote Xtra by Mick Kolby and the...
boomstik 40.15kb
1407 total
4.1 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.10)
RandomBashQuote (5 Comments)
RandomBashQuote is a function based off of /brb, and is fairly simple. Simply type in /rbq and one of a group of quotes from will pop up! Your friends will laugh their nerdy tails off at your wit. More changes on the...
HuoMaKe 10.25kb
847 total
3.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
CATSPEEK (2 Comments)
Converts english text to cat language found in many cat meme pictures: Some owls in there to :> Usage: %_catspeek{i am in your fridge, eating your foods} => I AM IN UR FRIDGE, EATIN UR F00DZ
Sovok 5.28kb
911 total
4.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Fragen über die man nicht nachdenken sollte (16 Comments)
ENGLISH VERSION HERE This Skript is just for people which come from german/swiss/austria or which can speak German or for people which chat with people from germans/swiss/austria. If you enter /denk in the text field and hit...
Jomatotu 10.38kb
7119 total
4.2 / 98 votes
(Ranking: 2.39)
National Debt (7 Comments)
This parses the current national debt from's debt counter and returns it to Adium. Just type $NationalDebt$ to use (not case sensitive). I just made a standalone (sp?) version.
ihaveabellybutton 6.62kb
1899 total
3.5 / 109 votes
(Ranking: 1.02)
Emotitext (10 Comments)
Use emoticons to create text! Type /emoti{ message emoticon1 emoticon2 } to form your message with two emoticons. For example, /emoti{hello! ;) (l)} if you want to do just like the preview image. If the result looks messy,...
SimR69 8.18kb
2773 total
4.5 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 2.19)
Parti Rhinocéros Random Facts (1 Comments)
La version non traduite de Rhinoceros Party Generator. Les facts ont été prises deéros. La commande pour afficher la fact est /rhino. Have Fun :)
Agurri 9.13kb
140 total
5.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 1.20)
Random Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus Generator (2 Comments)
Random Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus Generator This will randomly generate an entry from the Viz's Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus. To activate the script type /viz Be warned, this has very very bad language so is strictly for...
Cabrón 84.05kb
625 total
3.8 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.56)
Rhinoceros Party Fact Generator (1 Comments)
The facts are taken from This Party was never elected but their ideas were crazy ! There is also a french version available. It displays a random promisse . Just have to...
Agurri 9.35kb
166 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Funny Famous Last Words (0 Comments)
This is a simple script based on another script that generated funny BRB messages. When you type /lastwords it simply says 'Famous Last Words - ' and then a randomly selected quote of funny last words, I'm not even entirely sure this...
iDemonix 6.79kb
884 total
3.7 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
Twin Peaks Scripts (2 Comments)
A basic script that generates quotes or fun facts about Twin Peaks. Just write "/tp" (without the quotes) and a random quote will be generated or write "/tpdyk" (without the quotes) and a random "Did you know..." will be generated....
prinsen 17.41kb
375 total
3.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.02)
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