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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Radio Call Sign (13 Comments)
Provides the typical radio call sign translation of one or more words. For example: MDX13 becomes Mike Delta Xray One Three. To use: /radio{xxx} where xxx is the word / phrase to translate to Radio Call Sign.
KiltOtter 18.03kb
2629 total
3.3 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Pizzabestellung (5 Comments)
100 Möglichkeiten, eine Pizza zu bestellen Jetzt als Plugin ;-) Dieses Script sendet via /pizza eine der folgenden 100 Möglichkeiten, eine Pizza zu bestellen: 1. Benutze ein Telefon mit Tonwahl und drücke...
inbreed 9.93kb
1087 total
4.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
Mythbusters Quotes (0 Comments)
Applescript to insert a random quote from the TV show Mythbusters. Use with %_mythbusters
maerlynne 7.84kb
870 total
4.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.90)
EyeTV play (2 Comments)
This is a simple status script that shows what you are watching in EyeTV. Just enter %_eyetvplay and it will display all channels (live tv) and all recordings you are watching at the moment in EyeTV. Please report if it is working...
crashtron 10.12kb
723 total
2.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: -0.33)
/Emotion (2 Comments)
What? A set of AppleScripts that makes hard to remember emoticons, easy to use. How? Feel like giving someone a "big hug" but don't remember what to type and too lazy to find it in the list of emoticons? You are going to love...
Kunal 24.93kb
667 total
3.9 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.86)
Awayku (2 Comments)
Awayku message the artful auto reply when you are away Awayku is a script that returns a random haiku for use as an auto-reply away message. After installing, select "Edit status menu..." from the Status menu. Then click the "+"...
dcox 28.86kb
1032 total
4.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 1.60)
Flip (5 Comments)
Taken from, and written in Perl/Applescript, Flip . This includes two scripts: %flip{if you want to write upside down, and in reverese, this is your script} ʇdıɹɔs...
joseluis 8.4kb
1982 total
4.6 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.97)
Anchorman (2 Comments)
Based off of the Creed code, I modified it for quotes from anchorman. After installing the package type /anchorman to insert quote.
busterb 6.09kb
400 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Nitro Quotes (0 Comments)
Most famous quotes from the next new hit Nitro!
Brudock 5.61kb
61 total
5.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Upside Down (5 Comments)
Display text upside down sᴉɥʇ əʞᴉɿ Trigger with /ud{text here} Works with lowercase letters without accents, and some punctuation symbols
Zydeco 5.44kb
2187 total
-551.0 / 36 votes
(Ranking: -862.19)
Creed Thoughts (3 Comments)
Creed thoughts from The Office, shamelessly pilfered from NBC's site . Activate with /creed
professafresh 5.68kb
565 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
Yarr (2 Comments)
There are many different random quote generators out there and I was a bit surprised not to see a pirate one. I have used the Bender quotes script by Evan Williams (cptyesterday) to write one. The script only has around 15 quotes right...
vitaliy 5.78kb
1560 total
5.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.56)
Cartman Quotes (3 Comments)
Cartman Quotes! use type: /cartman enjoi.
nicka 9.25kb
3674 total
4.7 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 1.83)
BDog's Idle Time (1 Comments)
This script will return your idle time in the format "# Hours, # Minutes, # Seconds". The trigger is "%_idle". Create an "Idle" away message and choose it for the "After # minutes of inactivity, set:" status message setting. For...
bdog111 14.4kb
585 total
1.2 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -1.87)
Demetri Martin Quotes (0 Comments)
My favorite comedian. Use with "%demetri". for example, %demetri - Demetri Martin would yield" A quick way to start a conversation is to say something like 'What’s your favorite color?' A quick way to end a conversation is to...
mrmacdude 11.08kb
572 total
4.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 1.35)
Blazing Saddles (0 Comments)
Another one of those simple random quote generators, this one from the movie "Blazing Saddles!" Simply type "/blaze" into a chat window for completely raunchy quotes, if you've seen this movie then you know it has a lot of racial...
lvarga 14.63kb
220 total
4.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Censorer (7 Comments)
Censors commonly used swear words, preventing them from sending them.
002 4.81kb
837 total
1.9 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -1.10)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (0 Comments)
Pirates Of The Caribbean (1) Quotes (mostly complete dialoques) only German! Fluch der Karibik 1 Zitate bzw ganze Dialoge nur auf Deutsch in: /pirates1 out: Sparrow: Du kommst mir irgendwie bekannt vor, hab ich dich...
powerkarting 8.17kb
232 total
3.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Captain Jack Sparrow (0 Comments)
Captain Jack Sparrow Quotes. German only. Captain Jack Sparrow Zitate (aus dem Film Fluch der Karibik 1 (Pirates Of The Caribbean) Nur deutsch. in: /sparrow out: Klar soweit? Script bisher nur Zitate aus Film 1 (2 und 3...
powerkarting 3.02kb
488 total
3.0 / 2 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey (0 Comments)
Random Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey, as per the website All credit goes to Jack Handey, or the real author should these be made up. Code modified from the Chuck Norris generator. This isn't...
abbas 17.3kb
328 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
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