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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Starian (4 Comments)
Small, grayscale, translucent. I use it with Milk . Includes a contact list theme and a color scheme.
xion2023 1.53kb
3895 total
2.9 / 109 votes
(Ranking: -0.20)
Peace (2 Comments)
They say that light blues are among the most relaxing of colours. With this in mind, Peace was created; easy on the eyes, relaxed and understated, it's best served chilled. The theme comes packaged with one layout, two colour schemes...
dcentity2000 226.21kb
876 total
2.8 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.21)
Steelish Graphiti 1.2 (1 Comments)
Graffiti style contact list with a list layout for the steelish colour theme. Download the "Atakk" graffiti fonts here from . (Known "Graphiti" typo, the "ph" is my thing.) :)
phork 4.86kb
1203 total
2.8 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.21)
Stockholm II (2 Comments)
This is a slightly different take on the Stockholm contact list. I took aspects of it and changed the colours to be a little more oriented towards vibrant and notifying
ordinaryworld_ 3.79kb
513 total
2.8 / 13 votes
(Ranking: -0.22)
HUD (4 Comments)
Designed to resemble a "heads up display", á la Dashboard. Includes Modified SephStatus Bubbles.
dcentity2000 18.3kb
2365 total
2.7 / 6 votes
(Ranking: -0.23)
CS3 Colourful Contact List (0 Comments)
I made this to go nicely with the background/icons i've been working on. For the full story and to see the theme that it is meant to accompany, go here . If you like a colourful desktop, trust me, this theme is worth a look!...
splodgecat 9.73kb
1354 total
2.7 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.25)
Fade to Black 2 (0 Comments)
Based on my original theme, Fade to Black. Modified a good bit. Works best with Contact Bubbles.
Sev 4.68kb
348 total
2.7 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.25)
Graphite Blue (2 Comments)
A touch of the Proteus list theme, but with a different color theme. I don't know if this will work with any version before .87, because that is when i uploaded it. When they are available, the color of the user's text name will be...
CMNeir 3.66kb
831 total
2.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
Leopard Space (1 Comments)
It's in the name - a contact list style that mirrors the default Leopard desktop and Leopard typography - Lucida Grande and Helvetica Neue.
sachinpatellfo 4.61kb
545 total
2.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
M-Teal (1 Comments)
no, the name is not random. Hear me out before you say I'm an idiot. I got a new desktop picture. It says So of course, just like Abstraktion, I had to change my whole Adium theme to match it. And this may be a bit...
Elessar 84.67kb
624 total
2.8 / 28 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
Glow Light (0 Comments)
This is a list style which is intended to combine with the Glow Light message style with the Green vs. Blue or Gray vs. Blue colors combination.
thegeekinside 4.32kb
829 total
2.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
Candy (0 Comments)
a sweet contact list style
poohbeerke 3.11kb
748 total
2.8 / 39 votes
(Ranking: -0.32)
RealDock (2 Comments)
I hope you've memorized all your friends' buddy icons (or just love to use tooltips all the time) because that's what you get with this theme! The magic of 0.7 allows the contact list to look just like the Dock, and that means icons...
Bosk 743b
862 total
2.8 / 44 votes
(Ranking: -0.33)
SummerNight (Blue-Orange) (0 Comments)
This is contact list style, with dark orange and light orange, and dark blue for the Groups.
tikabanget 850b
349 total
2.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
Aqua Metal Big (3 Comments)
I personally love the brushed aluminum appearance of the iApps and Safari etc. but also love the Aqua blue color, so I decided to combine them into one beautiful Contact list. I will be creating a smaller version for people like me who...
zepherix 71.36kb
816 total
2.8 / 51 votes
(Ranking: -0.34)
3D Glasses (1 Comments)
Red and Blue theme. Cool colors. Download!
limeade 4.47kb
226 total
2.7 / 15 votes
(Ranking: -0.35)
Soft Blue (2 Comments)
This is my tweaked settings that I like a lot. I thought I would share them with you all. I also created new status icons and they are included. I posted below on how to add the status icons.
trebe 231.47kb
751 total
2.8 / 73 votes
(Ranking: -0.37)
MilkShake (3 Comments)
A simple color scheme that changes the basic Active, Away, Idle, and Away & Idle colors in the contact list. The other colors are the same as the original Adium Style since it works well and is more familiar
lains_navi 774.58kb
2110 total
2.8 / 90 votes
(Ranking: -0.39)
Smoke (2 Comments)
Created to fit the Smoke Growl notifications. To recreate the screenshot look: - Place the opacity of Adium at 60% and use the two xtras contained in this zip - Place the Translucency of Dragthing at 30% and use the Translucent...
enkuturi-akrias 3.72kb
2898 total
2.7 / 22 votes
(Ranking: -0.40)
BLU22 (1 Comments)
This is a theme designed for the dia status icons (yet goes well with all icons) that makes the contact list part of the desktop. I always like knowing where my contact list is: part of the desktop! This works well with any light or...
midjetville 9.37kb
560 total
2.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
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