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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Transfatty Acid (0 Comments)
Just a simple contact list. Easy on the eyes... nice & smooth. Space-efficient. Works with Light and Dark backgrounds. With the included color theme, there is no need for the tiny status icons either, since you can tell at a glance...
bluskale 22.22kb
305 total
3.2 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
imAdium (5 Comments)
Complete theme that makes it easy to quickly see who is online, takes up minimal space on the desktop, and is visually appealing. The attached file contains only the "Color Theme" and "List Layout" files (imAdium.ListTheme and...
impdxn 1.5kb
960 total
3.2 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
Sugar Plum Fairy (0 Comments)
This is meant to go along with the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by =Aiobhan wallpaper. The ZIP contains the color scheme and the list style, which uses Helvetica Neue Light at large sizes to be very readable. Screenshot shows groups...
moneypenny 39.56kb
367 total
3.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
PureGradients (2 Comments)
A contact list to go with PureGradients message style, includes the same color varients as the message style. Varients: Normal Blue Red Green Grey This is a list layout and a list theme for 0.7
Szilard 5.21kb
1239 total
3.1 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 0.18)
Dark CF (2 Comments)
Update:1.1 --------- - Name Change, that's all. Cheers Digital_Corpus's X >=] Description: ---------- - Minimal style that works with dark (-50% white...) backgrounds. C olor F ree, except for status notifications. - Also...
iamdw 1.87kb
1442 total
3.1 / 56 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Chrome Chocolate Milk (0 Comments)
Simple contact list style made to match the menus in the Chrome Chocolate Milk Shapeshifger GUI.
lax4782 2.02kb
749 total
3.1 / 54 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Feng Shui - Minimal (4 Comments)
* UPDATE * - Modified to ensure v.8 compliance - Removed Monkey Emoticon include Note! Looks best under AdiumX v.8 This is my favorite layout. I hate too much action on my desktop as its distracting. The colors are...
uniraver-ZG 121.84kb
1279 total
3.1 / 51 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Art Attack (8 Comments)
Includes: 1 x Contact List Layouts 1 x Contact List Colour Schemes 1 x Icon Packs Art Attack features a dark contact list and a minimalistic style, topped off with the new icon pack "Splat". 1.2 Changes: Updated icon packs...
dcentity2000 130.56kb
3527 total
3.1 / 47 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
Fluffy 1.0 (1 Comments)
Lots of info in a relatively small space, with a "fluffy" feel (maybe i'm the only one who thinks it's fluffy :P)
MBHockey 1.5kb
448 total
3.1 / 45 votes
(Ranking: 0.17)
EYLO (4 Comments)
This is a sweet lookin' contact list to match the EYLO ShapeShifter theme. It perfectly matches the theme, yet is still pleasing to the eye. -- Click Here For The Official EYLO Page -- Click Here For My Other Contact Lists
Dylan1077 2.4kb
611 total
3.1 / 42 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Teh Coolness (0 Comments)
This contact list layout isn't the most functional but is great looking, works best with a color theme using gradient groups.
tedger 748b
606 total
3.1 / 41 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Aqua Spotlight (4 Comments)
This is a color theme for the contact list baised on spotlight, the Aqua (Tiger) theme, and the Spotlight Message View by bob_the_gorilla (Andy Allcorn). I made this theme because I like the soptlight message view and I wanted a...
wunderwood 864b
2035 total
3.1 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Icon Only (3 Comments)
I wanted to save window space, yet also keep the wallpaper visible. So, i made the smallest thing i could. Ironically, you need to know who has which buddy icon, and i change mine almost every couple hours...
asnel 750b
1266 total
3.1 / 38 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Bluey (4 Comments)
Very Aqua-ish Mac OS X - like feel. Paired Combo This download includes both the Layout and Colored Scheme
czarlimit 1.61kb
838 total
3.1 / 38 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Corabutton (0 Comments)
Corabutton is designed to match the Coraline button catalog desktop wallpaper available from . You need Goudy Old Style Bold, Engravers MT Bold and Century Schoolbook fonts to make it look like the screenshot. The...
Squeedle 19.36kb
443 total
3.2 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.16)
Milk - Green (2 Comments)
Milk - Green A contact list style to match the Mac OS X theme Milk Green by Max Rudberg.
Callander 1019b
806 total
3.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
H[2]0 (6 Comments)
Notice: DO NOT INSTALL; instead, DOWNLOAD this extra and follow the instructions within. Includes: 1 x Contact List Layouts 1 x Contact List Colour Schemes 1 x Icon Packs 1 x Wallpapers 1 x Contact List Backgrounds 1 x...
dcentity2000 782.96kb
2738 total
3.1 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 0.14)
Perplex (2 Comments)
A well spread out contact list accompanied with the Marine status icon pack.
dcentity2000 129.11kb
1042 total
3.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
Sosumi-Green (5 Comments)
My first :)
Sosumi 258.64kb
1530 total
3.1 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.12)
Sick (0 Comments)
Black blue and green, and so cool. Download it >
limeade 4.51kb
584 total
3.1 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.11)
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