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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Simplistic (0 Comments)
Totally simplistic; is based on my other theme Absolutely Minimal . Can't get more minimal than this.
alexy13 4.66kb
864 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
VisualStatus (2 Comments)
I wanted a way to more quickly establish if someone was available/idle/away, so I made a contact list style that simply reflected it. I suggest setting the transparency to 75%. I'm using the Traffic Lights status icons.
pknull 26.97kb
645 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Aqua Blue (Adium 0.7) (1 Comments)
The perfect color combination to compliment OS X's beautiful interface! Warning, the files use the same name as one of the built in themes. Before installing either backup the built in, or rename this one.
seanbot 1.65kb
952 total
3.2 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
snow light (0 Comments)
White is beautiful, white is Mac. Voilà c'est ma toute première liste de contacts. J'espère qu'elle vous plait. L'idée était de créer un liste de contacts pure, simple, ergonomique et en accord avec le style de macOSX et plus...
manci 6.57kb
885 total
3.3 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Starry Night Sky (6 Comments)
This is my first X(tra)! It is just a little contact list layout that I have been working on. It comes with the status icons shown in the preview and installation instructions are included. The available icon is the same color as the...
Legolas 29.16kb
1180 total
3.2 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
Phantastical CG (4 Comments)
My new contact list pretty much the same but changed the font and some of the colours. The new font is Century Gothic which I believe is Mac OS X's default font, could be wrong.
phork 4.91kb
1244 total
3.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
ontwerpkliniek (4 Comments)
Contact list style based on 'Ontwerpkliniek' . Use borderless window, size to fit vertically and horizontally, max width 85px. And the gummi Status icons. Enjoy!
hoefkade 1.92kb
773 total
3.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
Warcraft (4 Comments)
The new Warcraft status icons along with my gryphonrider wallpaper from WoW inspired me to make my contact list a bit more warcraft-like. Any suggestions for improvements are more than welcome. For a good effect set: window opacity...
Spookster 56.7kb
1666 total
3.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
Executive (5 Comments)
A classy, sophisticated contact list for those of you that don't want bright greens and yellows clashing with your black and gray desktops. I like it best in Group bubbles format, but it looks equally as nice in any of the formats If...
kidcroccetti 2.54kb
2276 total
3.2 / 25 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Tiger Blue (14 Comments)
Makes Group bubbles match the apple.
benjamindaines 829b
3843 total
3.2 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Wisp (1 Comments)
A very etherial black and white list style. Very subtle, yet in my opinion very cool.
zepherix 90.19kb
736 total
3.2 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
Mail (3 Comments)
Simple contact list to match Mail 2.0 for OS X 10.4 Tiger. Using a slightly modified version of dcentity2000's great Tablets status icon pack.
junior 17.09kb
1709 total
3.2 / 24 votes
(Ranking: 0.28)
JiXeR - Red Sphere (1 Comments)
To go along with the dock icon and status's the contact list theme.
JiXeR 1.98kb
760 total
3.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.27)
Snap (1 Comments)
Purple for the win! Contains one icon pack, "Tablets 4". Top preview: Tablets 4 icon, supersized Centre preview: Snap Bottom preview: Snap On
dcentity2000 54.98kb
574 total
3.3 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.27)
Extensions List Style (2 Comments)
Here's the list styles I used along with my Status and Service Extension icons. These are list mockups, my pixel fonts don't actually look that crisp and clear. And I could be off by a pixel here and there, but they are here to show...
fissure 20.24kb
757 total
3.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Tablets 4 (0 Comments)
Contact list style built around the icon pack "Tables 4".
dcentity2000 53.37kb
778 total
3.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
Zilla_esque (3 Comments)
I had just downloaded these sweet desktop pictures from deviantART and thought I'd make a contact list style to match it. Like the background itself, the layout has a tiny, minimalistic feel, and the colors are the same. Blends in...
absitinvida 4.71kb
365 total
3.3 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.23)
ratafia (1 Comments)
Full Screen: As Shown: 40% Opacity using Borderless Window
nitrox 9.99kb
748 total
3.2 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
ripe (1 Comments)
Light green — away Dark green — online Yellow — typing Orange — new message
kirlobertz 5.81kb
806 total
3.2 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
Aqua Ash (22 Comments)
This contact list looks good with practically any background, but it looks especially good with a blue one. It's got semi-transparent grey contacts, with a cool aqua group bubble. Thanks for checkin it out! >>Click Here For My...
Dylan1077 2.38kb
3245 total
3.1 / 88 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
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