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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Samura (5 Comments)
maiwen 1.62kb
1155 total
3.3 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 0.44)
Notification Center (4 Comments)
A contact list style that matches notification center as close as I could. I have it hidden on the edge of the screen so it slides when I bring the mouse to it. Recommended Settings: - Borderless window - Opacity: 100% - Don't...
Huevoos 11.1kb
2100 total
3.4 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.43)
Graphite Singleline (1 Comments)
I was tired of all the so-called "graphite" themes that don't actually use the same colors as the "official" graphite appearance, so I made my own! The color scheme is based closely on Aqualicious, but with accurate "graphite" colors....
FreakyT 6.09kb
1009 total
3.6 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.42)
iLeopard (7 Comments)
Includes Layout and Style.
djmori 1.66kb
3443 total
3.3 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.40)
Ev (1 Comments)
I'm not creative enough to come up with a good name for this so its called Ev . I've included both the .listlayout and .listtheme files as my good friend Tipo 61 requested on the adium forums. I use them because I like the layout and...
air__devil 1.52kb
417 total
3.3 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.40)
Black Cherry (6 Comments)
Based on the Black Cherry desktop by Andrew Leipurts ( and the JetBlack theme designed by Swizcore Studios ( Looks nice with the Black Cherry desktop (but I've always liked the way that...
CaptainObvious 1.43kb
3335 total
3.2 / 93 votes
(Ranking: 0.39)
Shadowrunner (3 Comments)
A contact list style to match the Shadowrunner message view (also pictured). Paired combination .
bob_the_gorilla 1.71kb
1964 total
3.2 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.37)
Full Metal Milk (0 Comments)
A contact list style to match the Mac OS X theme Full Metal Milk by justin, davidmac, and Max Rudberg. Includes status bubbles by Seph.
Holigen 16.62kb
1986 total
3.2 / 67 votes
(Ranking: 0.37)
Be Mine (6 Comments)
Red, pink and black fonts on a white semi-transparent background. Works well on dark or light backgrounds. Version 2.0: Updated to work with the new version of Adium. Font changed to New York Status icons are "Chat...
macfan26 2.82kb
951 total
3.2 / 65 votes
(Ranking: 0.36)
Skåne (1 Comments)
This is just a few simple mods I made to the Popular " Stockholm " Contact List Style, by Matthew Bice. Hope you enjoy it. Shown with my matching Skåne Color Theme, and Stockholm Status Icons .
Menik 4.65kb
1256 total
3.3 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.35)
Mockie Special (0 Comments)
Pretty close the original Mockie style. But a bit more unobtrusive even discreet. A smaller Font and a good layout.
xjonx 2.12kb
551 total
3.2 / 53 votes
(Ranking: 0.34)
summertime (3 Comments)
my first xtra
maiwen 836b
1837 total
3.2 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 0.33)
Flat Greyscale (2 Comments)
A combination of the Flat layout theme and Greyscale color theme. A plain contact list that gets out of your way with only minimal color where appropriate. Doesn't work with all desktop pictures. I have it anchored to the left behind...
aptenergy 1.63kb
1118 total
3.2 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 0.33)
Titanium (2 Comments)
A somewhat spaced but slick contact list scheme, featuring the status icons "Helium"; preview shows group bubbles. Please note: this extra will only work on 1.x.
dcentity2000 125.29kb
2619 total
3.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Visible Rain (2 Comments)
This is a continuation of my beautiful yet aged "Light Rain" style. With pictures of all your buddies (from MySpace or Facebook), this easily makes the best looking and most efficient contact list theme available for any instant...
burpethead 29.99kb
1854 total
3.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Simple Blue (0 Comments)
A simple blue contact list color theme goes well with anything but especially well with the Simple Blue ShapeShifter theme. The Contact list layout is Mokie Revisited you can find it if you hit my name to the bottom left.
tedger 890b
677 total
3.2 / 41 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Sherbet (4 Comments)
Soft colors remind me of sherbet ice cream colors. I've included both the color scheme and layout. The font is charcoal.
skymaXimus 1.54kb
1254 total
3.2 / 41 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
DarkStain-0.1 (5 Comments)
Color Theme: Simple. Dark, with a very subtle stain in either red, green or blue. Also included an accompanying List Layout (in large and small formats) enjoy :)
minus0 1.53kb
1073 total
3.3 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.31)
Blues (0 Comments)
This layout features slight translucency (group names blend away color to available color on top of a white background), is easy readability, and takes up little space.
neologism 1.52kb
1429 total
3.2 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 0.31)
Kadu Penguins (1 Comments)
Animated Penguins from Polish opensource IM Kadu.
ceceron 327.83kb
105 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
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