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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Modified Chat Bubbles (5 Comments)
I have a black background, so I swiched the "mobile" icon from black to white.
M4X 13.55kb
684 total
3.4 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.51)
Iota (6 Comments)
Iota Warning: May only work with 1.x branch A fairly simple contact list, comes with the status icons "Ultradium" by "Ultraman", whose website is here - check it out, it's got loads of cool stuff not submitted to the extras...
dcentity2000 187.87kb
801 total
3.6 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.51)
Luxury (2 Comments)
A golden and silver style. It's best at 50% transparency. In border-less window or normal, there's a slight watermark. Personally I prefer Group bubbles.
ScottyKnows 5.64kb
790 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
Poison (4 Comments)
W sklad paczki wchodza 4 motywy kolorystyczne oraz 1 szablon listy. Najlepszy efekt widoczny jest przy 70% przezroczystosci listy. Style - Poison Black - Poison White - Poison Black...
Indrid_Cold 17.51kb
1076 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
jBlack (2 Comments)
Simple Black Contact List
xjonxdotcom 2.56kb
278 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
Sky (1 Comments)
This theme started out as Aqua but quickly gained altitude - the outcome (I hope!) is that of a lighter, purer feel. Of course, it could be totally pants... Contains one layout, one colour scheme and one icon pack, "Underling".
dcentity2000 152.26kb
972 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
Tiny Black V2.0 (1 Comments)
Main This style is inspired by one designed for V0.6. Its ideal for those who handle a lot of contacts, and want to have them all at hand. Paired Combo This download includes both the Layout and Colored Scheme V2.0 New...
djmori 1.52kb
1481 total
3.3 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 0.49)
F.I.O.J. theme pack (3 Comments)
Fire, Ice, Ocean and Jungle themes + 1 list layout.
burnTHIStown 3.76kb
1336 total
3.3 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 0.49)
iChat mini (0 Comments)
A clean and compact contact list style, based off the iChat (Leopard) look and feel. I posted this up partly to share with some of my other friends and partly as a backup in case my computer ever went to hell. I hope some of you guys...
jaimeflores 3.98kb
1935 total
3.8 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
simpleBubble (2 Comments)
Created out of my love for minimalism. Included is both layout theme and color theme.
macaddikt 2.77kb
1665 total
3.3 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Shinobi (4 Comments)
A contact list that resembles the "Shinobi" Theme (ShapeShifter). Fixed.
DRM3 85.87kb
2210 total
3.3 / 40 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Minimalist Chameleon (4 Comments)
A very, very simple contact list style. It works best if your contact list sits over an area of almost solid colour on your desktop, and is ideal if you have your desktop set to change colour every so often, since this contact list seems...
sebFlyte 1.59kb
1284 total
3.3 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 0.47)
semOq (2 Comments)
A minimalist, opaque theme. Works best with Silkscreen .
Sembazuru 719b
877 total
3.3 / 36 votes
(Ranking: 0.47)
Easy on the Eyes (6 Comments)
The title says it all. This theme makes it easy to see who's online, away, etc. in a glance. Each state is a pale version of the status icon associated with it (this was designed based on the Adiumy status icons, but it matches others...
emc2rae 947b
4535 total
3.3 / 34 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Leopard styled (0 Comments)
this is a set consisting of Mac OS X Leopard striped- and hightlight-styled theme and layout. It gives a modern look, and looks really nice. Feel free to adjust the icon(display picture) size as to suit your own taste. (i myself prefer...
ilsworld 4.63kb
2244 total
3.4 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Trans Compact (0 Comments)
I wanted to have an elegant, transparent and compact contact list, but also informative. so I made one. It has probably been made before but maybe not entirely the same. version I've been inspired by the "Overture 1928" style, but...
SteveBoy 23.62kb
1271 total
3.4 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Ceatch (2 Comments)
Ceatch is an advanced contact list style with huge icons and special online/offline behaviour. Looks great when you only have a few contacts to show all the time. Create groups if you have more. I use it with 90% Opacity and...
Psaniko 160.34kb
1507 total
3.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
Blue Plastic (0 Comments)
Blue theme. Best viewed with main opacity set to 98%. Part of series in 3 different colors.
beatnlck 4.72kb
999 total
3.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
Neon (1 Comments)
A dark theme with large fonts and bright colors. Colors customized to work best with Dango status icon set by desu . Uses font Helvetica Neue Light at large sizes to be easily readable. Choose Color Theme 'Neon' and List Layout...
moneypenny 51.2kb
1632 total
3.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
Colorcoded (2 Comments)
For something a little different, I've set up my list like so. Using the ever-classic Helvetica Neue (which you'll need to snag yourself), I've got my list set up to sort by status. And the colors are so that I can very clearly see who...
moocha 4.71kb
1071 total
3.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
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