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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Silver Milk (8 Comments)
A clean, chrome-looking contact list. I created it to match the 'Milk' ShapeShifter theme. The font used is called 'Eurostile'. --Click Here For My Other Lists-- --Version 1.1 Includes Bubble Status Icons as seen in 2nd preview....
Dylan1077 19.15kb
6400 total
3.4 / 64 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Grey Starlines (0 Comments)
I've always liked the look of the 'Black Is Beautiful' contact list by Lode but have never actually used it for long because I didn't feel it was quite "compact" enough for day to day use for me. After waiting long enough for someone...
Ali 22.24kb
2583 total
3.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Enhaced Tiger (9 Comments)
I started from the Tiger/Panther themes, to make a few changes of mines (it uses both theme and layout). I've played with blues in Groups and light gray in the buddies list, while keeping service icons and a status clearly visible. I...
michelebugliaro 1.59kb
2278 total
3.4 / 61 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Night Sky (1 Comments)
A bright and colorful (but not too colorful =) ) contact list. I made it for myself, but a lot of people have asked for it, so here it is! Props to Seph on the boards for the status icons. They are included for your pleasure.
alternate_bit 179.78kb
2488 total
3.4 / 60 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Watercolor (3 Comments)
Based off the Watercolor Guikit. This Xtra includes a list layout, four color variations (like the theme), and the Somatic status icons.
FordPrefect 19.58kb
1973 total
3.5 / 26 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Bezel Bubbles (4 Comments)
A contact list style most likely modeled after the Smoke notification style from Growl . Each status gives the individual contact bubble a different text color and background color combination – online contacts have white text and...
WICKEDfour 1.58kb
3311 total
3.6 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.71)
Dark aliased (1 Comments)
A small, dark, pixilated, yet sleek theme for that "I'm so modern I'm retro" look. Depends on the Silkscreen font family (? 2000-2004 Jason Kottke.)
EarthMkII 1.77kb
2314 total
3.4 / 56 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Ghost (4 Comments)
I like my list to be small and simple. I think this theme reflects that well. In addition to the layout and color scheme files, I've included several background images to use with this theme (both for long and short lists). One with...
skymaXimus 193.95kb
4277 total
3.4 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Adium for Mac (0 Comments)
Inspired by the new Twitter for Mac (which is available for free from the new Mac App Store) application, I've come up with this contact list style: Adium for Mac. This layout is based upon Marten-Plain and was adapted to try and...
bramn 7.19kb
1819 total
3.6 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.69)
Blackish (0 Comments)
A simple dark theme. I have included both theme files, as well as the status icons. This matches the Milk 2.2 (chocolate milk) shapeshifter theme that I'm currently using.
skymaXimus 1.49kb
1802 total
3.4 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 0.68)
Wood v0.1 (3 Comments)
Just a lil something I whipped up in a few minutes because I saw there was no wood grain theme! This theme will transform your contact list into a stylish & elegant Bird's Eye Maple wood grain. Hopefully I'll be adding a complementary...
tmkforever 54.06kb
913 total
3.4 / 47 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
notebook coffee (2 Comments)
this is for those who have the notebook menu style and would like to change the notebook look for a more office theme.We all had get coffee in our documents before and that gives them a certain style ;) P.S. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE...
ernes28 4.63mb
4287 total
3.6 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Graphitelicious (1 Comments)
A graphite versioon of the aqualicious style for those people with their appearance set to graphite. The colors aren't perfect but im working on it.
mcnalzer 2.09kb
1211 total
3.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
BlueBubbles (7 Comments)
A modern bubble style, probably needs a lot of fine tuning. Best for use with Up2Date aqua service icons and round status icons such as iPhone, will need a blue or white background for best look.
mcnalzer 4.68kb
1631 total
3.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Mac Pro (3 Comments)
This is my second contact list style that matches the new Mac Pro. Use the Negative status icons and included backdrop of the Mac Pro grill. I've also included the Myriad font that Apple uses. Window opacity set to 5% for best appearance.
iPond317 473.48kb
2660 total
3.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Everything Is Green (1 Comments)
A contact list layout and theme based around the color green.
Pandora 2.07kb
1138 total
3.4 / 46 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Paper and Plastic (2 Comments)
A color scheme I made to best match the Paper and Plastic SS theme... this does not include a layout. If you'd like to get the layout featured in the preview, you can obtain it here
macaddct1984 883b
2457 total
3.4 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 0.66)
Bytesize (3 Comments)
Includes: 1 x Contact List Layouts 1 x Contact List Colour Schemes 1 x Icon Packs Rich::
dcentity2000 151.13kb
1936 total
3.5 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
Sweetblack (6 Comments)
This is my attempt at the "Inquisitor" menu style. I've personally used this list theme for my whole history with Adium. My friend likes it too, and told me I should share it with the xtras community. So I thought "why not?" NOTE: I...
ecoplex 6.08kb
1936 total
3.5 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
WordPress Style 2.0 (5 Comments)
Basically I just copied the WordPress website and added some Web 2.0 colours for some flair. I recommend using the Chat Bubbles status icon set.
Niles 75.16kb
603 total
3.5 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
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