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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
PraticeList (3 Comments)
This is my second Contact List, this small and pratice. / C'est ma seconde Liste de Contact, elle est petite et pratique.
ColasV 5.08kb
557 total
3.6 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 0.81)
Mac OS X Style (2 Comments)
This is a contacts list with the Mac os X style. Available in blue & graphite.
atley 9.47kb
6714 total
3.9 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.17)
ripe (1 Comments)
Light green — away Dark green — online Yellow — typing Orange — new message
kirlobertz 5.81kb
806 total
3.2 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.22)
Cutie (23 Comments)
a simple contact list style in cutie look: pink, cyan, black, white
scorpion919 7.13kb
27580 total
4.0 / 180 votes
(Ranking: 2.26)
totalred (2 Comments)
This is a new Contact List Styles... and have fun...
arnaudpa 4.51kb
280 total
2.9 / 8 votes
(Ranking: -0.09)
Simply black (0 Comments)
Adium Contact list, Simply black Should be pretty straight forward to install. Just open the files in adium :) preview:
prelude6x6 132.64kb
1221 total
3.8 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 1.02)
Black Notebook is Beautiful (14 Comments)
In the process of playing between Black is Beautiful and Notebook, I came upon an awesome theme. In the zipped file I have included both themes as I don't know which files you need from both. To get my result: Color Theme:...
maazg 113.1kb
14003 total
4.2 / 31 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
Bordeaux-Grey (0 Comments)
A short made Contact List in Bordeaux and Grey.
Seeedler 9.6kb
681 total
1.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -1.91)
iChat-ish 2 (15 Comments)
In an attempt to recreate the look of iChat, I decided to create my own Contact List. Nothing extraordinary, just an iChat-ish feel.
iankaumeyer 9.2kb
51543 total
4.1 / 121 votes
(Ranking: 2.29)
Leopard styled (0 Comments)
this is a set consisting of Mac OS X Leopard striped- and hightlight-styled theme and layout. It gives a modern look, and looks really nice. Feel free to adjust the icon(display picture) size as to suit your own taste. (i myself prefer...
ilsworld 4.63kb
2244 total
3.4 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Blend (1 Comments)
An extremely minimalist approach to the Contact List. Somewhat like HUD, but even more minimalist :P My settings can be seen in the third preview image, and I recommend keeping the lists minimized when you don't need to select a name,...
zib_redlektab 3.56kb
1318 total
4.1 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.99)
I like my desktop (7 Comments)
Hi folks! This is my idea of a nice looking contact list with the intention to keep my desktop as clean as possible. For best results set your contact list Appearance Preferences to: Color Theme: i like my desktop List Layout:...
maxbook 3.78kb
1942 total
2.5 / 2 votes
(Ranking: -0.15)
SimpleStatusList (12 Comments)
a very simple Theme see the status off your contacts without having statusicons displayed!
scorpion919 4.72kb
50439 total
3.9 / 197 votes
(Ranking: 2.07)
Luxury (2 Comments)
A golden and silver style. It's best at 50% transparency. In border-less window or normal, there's a slight watermark. Personally I prefer Group bubbles.
ScottyKnows 5.64kb
790 total
3.5 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.50)
Japanese Garden (3 Comments)
I made these Color Themes and this List Layout, to match the "Golden Palace" wallpaper that comes with leopard. Now when I say 'made' I mean that the colors come from Macevamel on Kuler , and the list layout is a modified Leopard List...
loadedsith 7kb
2977 total
4.0 / 27 votes
(Ranking: 1.43)
Phelist (2 Comments)
simple blue-black list ^_^ Tipografias utilizada: + Silksceen 8px para letra de contacto y estado ( + Skia regular 10 para el grupo :) (
phelipon 2.04kb
1875 total
4.3 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 1.77)
CaletZhiny (0 Comments)
Shiny Semi- transparenté Contact List!
caletz 4.32kb
1653 total
3.7 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
tan terminal (1 Comments)
omfgitsmadison 4.67kb
456 total
3.8 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.56)
Uplink Interface (0 Comments)
A contact list style based on the game Uplink by Ambrosia Software and Introversion Software . If you're a fan of this game and love the in-game interface, give this style a shot. My recommendations while using this style: Use...
Cippy 4.56kb
1132 total
4.1 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.99)
Transfatty Acid (0 Comments)
Just a simple contact list. Easy on the eyes... nice & smooth. Space-efficient. Works with Light and Dark backgrounds. With the included color theme, there is no need for the tiny status icons either, since you can tell at a glance...
bluskale 22.22kb
305 total
3.2 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.19)
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