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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
WordPress Style 2.0 (5 Comments)
Basically I just copied the WordPress website and added some Web 2.0 colours for some flair. I recommend using the Chat Bubbles status icon set.
Niles 75.16kb
604 total
3.5 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
Visible Rain (2 Comments)
This is a continuation of my beautiful yet aged "Light Rain" style. With pictures of all your buddies (from MySpace or Facebook), this easily makes the best looking and most efficient contact list theme available for any instant...
burpethead 29.99kb
1854 total
3.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Apple Pro (20 Comments)
Apple Pro. A contact list style based on the HUD pallettes found in Apple's 'Pro' apps, and more recently in iLife 06. Set to 70% transparency and use 'Group Bubbles' for optimum effect.
siMac 4.54kb
9796 total
4.1 / 34 votes
(Ranking: 1.68)
Bars (2 Comments)
A black and white list style which uses a custom background image to separate the contacts with horizontal bars. The first version is simply called Bars. It is intended to use my Five by Five status icons and the pixel font...
fissure 172.7kb
640 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Contact Circles (3 Comments)
minimal theme... Shows pictures of your contacts as circles... Variables: contact circles without groups, contact circles with groups, contact circles outlined without groups, contact circles outlined with groups ---view as contact...
iambatman 5.04kb
690 total
3.6 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
cocoaforge (9 Comments)
First contact list style. Inspired by the cocoaforge forums .
kirk 4.66kb
1150 total
3.5 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.52)
Poly (6 Comments)
Warning: May only work with 1.x branch A light, white polymer appearance. Includes one list layout, one list colour scheme, one font (hence the lack of the automated install link) and one status icon set, Underling, by Gerrit...
dcentity2000 189.77kb
1720 total
3.5 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Extensions List Style (2 Comments)
Here's the list styles I used along with my Status and Service Extension icons. These are list mockups, my pixel fonts don't actually look that crisp and clear. And I could be off by a pixel here and there, but they are here to show...
fissure 20.24kb
757 total
3.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.25)
VisualStatus (2 Comments)
I wanted a way to more quickly establish if someone was available/idle/away, so I made a contact list style that simply reflected it. I suggest setting the transparency to 75%. I'm using the Traffic Lights status icons.
pknull 26.97kb
645 total
3.5 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.30)
Mac Messenger Guide Official Style 2.0 (4 Comments)
Do you always see yourself spending hours in the morning matching your clothes?! Of course not, 'cause you're a geek, but now you can match your Adium contact list with you desktop picture or ShapeShifter theme. Eight colors: black,...
MMG 23.33kb
10123 total
3.8 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 1.31)
Mac Pro (3 Comments)
This is my second contact list style that matches the new Mac Pro. Use the Negative status icons and included backdrop of the Mac Pro grill. I've also included the Myriad font that Apple uses. Window opacity set to 5% for best appearance.
iPond317 473.48kb
2662 total
3.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.67)
Dark Chat (7 Comments)
[Dark Chat] Contact List Style I have used this simple contact list style for a long time. But there was no suitable message style for it until I saw h4x0r (phrenzy's message style). I modified h4x0r and my contact list to make them...
wowstanley 6.76kb
16569 total
3.7 / 44 votes
(Ranking: 1.15)
Clean White (9 Comments)
Clean White is, as it's name suggests, a clean white contact list style that goes well with light colored desktop images. I found it to look best when used with PowerMetal glow (by Dylan1077). Enjoy! P.S. Don't forget to set you...
zipper 3.66kb
3775 total
4.2 / 29 votes
(Ranking: 1.75)
Black (4 Comments)
I know there are already a couple black contact list styles, but I like mine a lot better. It is very simple and clean. No need for status bubbles, people who are away get darker and their away message shows up. Their icon is shown small...
trebe 1.69kb
1832 total
3.3 / 63 votes
(Ranking: 0.54)
Color (2 Comments)
This theme is very easy without any specials. The only special thing is, that there is a color for every status. In the preview you can see, that I use the "simple" user icons, they are included in this pack, and the font I use is...
caprice 114.79kb
637 total
3.1 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.09)
ProBlack (8 Comments)
Sylish professional looking contact list. My first attempt! I have window style set to Group Bubbles; Auto-resize: Size to fit vertically. Not sure if those settings are saved within the contact list file?
alliston_media 1.49kb
32006 total
3.9 / 73 votes
(Ranking: 1.68)
Warcraft (4 Comments)
The new Warcraft status icons along with my gryphonrider wallpaper from WoW inspired me to make my contact list a bit more warcraft-like. Any suggestions for improvements are more than welcome. For a good effect set: window opacity...
Spookster 56.7kb
1666 total
3.3 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.29)
MiniList (0 Comments)
MiniList is a fairly straight forward theme meant to take up very little space on the screen while looking nice and classy. The Standard blue is great for most situations, but you can easily change the group header color to match any...
floatingtrem 1.4kb
1328 total
3.8 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.89)
Dock (18 Comments)
I'm not sure if this has been done before, but if it has, i hope i am improving on it. List of what to do for the full effect: 1 - Transparency to 40%. 2 - Order contact list above other windows. 3 - Turn off groups. 4 - Make...
midjetville 551.49kb
1667 total
3.7 / 22 votes
(Ranking: 0.94)
BLU22 (1 Comments)
This is a theme designed for the dia status icons (yet goes well with all icons) that makes the contact list part of the desktop. I always like knowing where my contact list is: part of the desktop! This works well with any light or...
midjetville 9.37kb
560 total
2.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: -0.42)
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