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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Steelish Graphiti 1.2 (1 Comments)
Graffiti style contact list with a list layout for the steelish colour theme. Download the "Atakk" graffiti fonts here from . (Known "Graphiti" typo, the "ph" is my thing.) :)
phork 4.86kb
1203 total
2.8 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.21)
Aqualicious is Beautiful (6 Comments)
Another xtra back from the dead, this is a contact list theme that is (in my humble opinion) more in keeping with Apple's version of Aqua than the default theme shipping with Adium. Also featured in the shot are my Sunken Gems status...
ispytonyv 1.01kb
5256 total
4.1 / 58 votes
(Ranking: 1.94)
Hand Drawn contact list (3 Comments)
Created to fit the Hand Drawn dock icon, status iconand service icons. Looks good at 90% opacity , this contact list style uses as font the Marker Felt what is one of the default fonts in OS X. Enjoy :P
enkuturi-akrias 32.79kb
560 total
1.9 / 17 votes
(Ranking: -1.35)
iPhone (15 Comments)
The iPhone Skin for Adium Seeing the iPhone made me want to recreate it into an Adium skin. So, here it is, a skin inspired by the iPhone's contactlist. I am not able to supply you with the right font for it, as it's an Apple only...
Boramor 4.58kb
12444 total
3.7 / 55 votes
(Ranking: 1.22)
WootDark (1 Comments)
Once I created this style I didn't even consider using anything else. This style is it for me for as long as I use Adium. The style is simply a transparent black area. Inside this area are your contacts with buddy icons on the left...
wootowl 1.6kb
232 total
2.2 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.83)
Fiat (3 Comments)
A simple theme that fits with Fiat Blue Over Green , Fiat Slim Blue Over Green or Fiat Picture Palace Blue Over Green .
taniele 3.6kb
342 total
3.0 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Graphiti (3 Comments)
Graffiti style contact lists with a single list layout for the 3 colours; green, red, and steelish. Download the "Atakk" graffiti fonts here from . My first xtra, pretty simple, which is what I like. (Known...
phork 9.08kb
528 total
2.8 / 6 votes
(Ranking: -0.16)
Universal theme (22 Comments)
Update: Now comes with Eurostyle font. Don't install but download please! Then put the font into your font folder and double click the Adium xtra. All done. :) This theme is, as the name suggests, widely usable. It comes in 2...
Diatribe 54.41kb
60440 total
3.8 / 311 votes
(Ranking: 1.99)
Perplex (2 Comments)
A well spread out contact list accompanied with the Marine status icon pack.
dcentity2000 129.11kb
1042 total
3.1 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.13)
Sweetblack (6 Comments)
This is my attempt at the "Inquisitor" menu style. I've personally used this list theme for my whole history with Adium. My friend likes it too, and told me I should share it with the xtras community. So I thought "why not?" NOTE: I...
ecoplex 6.08kb
1936 total
3.5 / 19 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
Tiny (4 Comments)
This is not my work, but as it is the Contact List style I like best i thought I resubmit is before it's lost on my hdd.
blinQ 1.69kb
969 total
3.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Overture 1928 (48 Comments)
- Use with %40 opacity!
Shark!! 5.74kb
318844 total
4.1 / 1401 votes
(Ranking: 3.46)
Sosumi-Green (5 Comments)
My first :)
Sosumi 258.64kb
1530 total
3.1 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.12)
Dirty-neat (2 Comments)
This is a contact list that I've been using and perfecting to my needs since I got Adium. It looks cool while still being neat and organized. All names and their backgrounds change colors with events. The fonts needed are included...
the_chair_salesman 139.87kb
264 total
2.4 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -0.62)
Caribbean (1 Comments)
A bright and sunny contact list, without being too flashy. Ideal for bringing some summer to your desktop, especially in those dark winter months. The fonts (Akbar and Caribbean) are included in the file, hence no install link.
Spookster 91.83kb
414 total
2.3 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -0.70)
Simple Stealth (1 Comments)
This one is based on Simple Desktop and Stealth . Makes the desktop look cleaner. Use Contact Bubbles (To Fit) or Group Bubbles and set the opacity of the list to 5%. NOTE: For a perfect blending with your desktop, match the...
Keitto 1.63kb
600 total
2.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.95)
JackOPumpkin (10 Comments)
Hallowe'en (or Halloween) style contact list. Wooo'ooo. Window style: Group Bubbles. Auto-resize: Size to fit vertically. Note: if you choose to download the contact list the font used is included in the archive. To install the...
alliston_media 92.03kb
1431 total
2.9 / 21 votes
(Ranking: -0.13)
Titanium (2 Comments)
A somewhat spaced but slick contact list scheme, featuring the status icons "Helium"; preview shows group bubbles. Please note: this extra will only work on 1.x.
dcentity2000 125.29kb
2619 total
3.3 / 12 votes
(Ranking: 0.32)
Grey Starlines (0 Comments)
I've always liked the look of the 'Black Is Beautiful' contact list by Lode but have never actually used it for long because I didn't feel it was quite "compact" enough for day to day use for me. After waiting long enough for someone...
Ali 22.24kb
2583 total
3.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Simpler HoliDaze (0 Comments)
This is a better-looking and simpler version of HoliDaze . A group of 1 layout and 8 themes. All of these are based on a holiday. The holidays included are: Christmas Easter Halloween Hanukkah Kwanzaa Mardi Gras St....
ihaveabellybutton 10.01kb
759 total
2.0 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.95)
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