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Contact List Styles

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Ghost (0 Comments)
Tis be my current contact list style. Goes well with dark backgrounds. I recommend using about 60% opacity. The status icons used in the example are White Chat Bubbles , a very slightly modified version of the default Chat Bubbles....
Félix 4.55kb
23998 total
4.2 / 50 votes
(Ranking: 2.04)
Groove (0 Comments)
Simple, condensed, yet fully-featured list style layout and theme.
minus0 4.57kb
757 total
4.0 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Firework (1 Comments)
I didn't find anything of a good Message Style, so I decided to make a own. Now I've decided to share it here ;) -All of the contacts are white -The fonts are called Papyrus (contacts) and Aristocrat LET (groups). -There is always...
Simsine006 5.78kb
429 total
2.2 / 5 votes
(Ranking: -0.56)
Stockholm II (2 Comments)
This is a slightly different take on the Stockholm contact list. I took aspects of it and changed the colours to be a little more oriented towards vibrant and notifying
ordinaryworld_ 3.79kb
513 total
2.8 / 13 votes
(Ranking: -0.22)
PinkPassion (0 Comments)
PinkPassion! If you want the same look as my image below, here are the other settings I used: In Adium's Preferences under the Appearance menu: I have Window Style set to Group Bubbles; and Automatic sizing set to Size to fit...
alliston_media 3.24kb
1517 total
3.8 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.92)
iChat Adium Style (0 Comments)
1.0v - Initial Release
Indrid_Cold 4.54kb
5274 total
3.7 / 23 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
Lazer (2 Comments)
Lazer If you want the same look as my image below, here are the other settings I used: In Adium's Preferences under the Appearance menu: I have Window Style set to Group Bubbles; and Automatic sizing set to Size to fit vertically....
alliston_media 3.12kb
3238 total
3.7 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.82)
HUD (31 Comments)
Looks great with: »Service Extensions« service icons ( »Candyball« status icons ( »Twitterrific« status icons...
PrinzAdium 205.99kb
219754 total
4.0 / 467 votes
(Ranking: 2.67)
Leopard (3 Comments)
Leopard Style Contact List Inspired by Apple's new Operating System (OS) 10.5 "Leopard" I created this contact list to go with the general "Leopard" menubars. Enjoy. Instructions: Be sure to download the pack, that way you...
Boramor 24.23kb
29844 total
4.0 / 62 votes
(Ranking: 1.79)
Leopard Space (1 Comments)
It's in the name - a contact list style that mirrors the default Leopard desktop and Leopard typography - Lucida Grande and Helvetica Neue.
sachinpatellfo 4.61kb
545 total
2.7 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.29)
Weather Widget Contactlist (2 Comments)
This is my first adium xtra, i always wondered why nobody made a contact list theme out of the dashboard weather widget, so i just made one myself. Just as a sidenote, i have opacity set to 80% ; )
capz 10.88kb
5517 total
4.0 / 39 votes
(Ranking: 1.59)
Platinumesque (0 Comments)
A platinum inspired contact list theme, works best with use in conjunction with themes that resemble the Platinum interface from Mac OS versions before OS X. Works great with themes such as Classic Platinum 2.0 and my personal...
tezo 4.63kb
823 total
2.9 / 9 votes
(Ranking: -0.10)
statocole (1 Comments)
This is a contact kist I made for my self when I first got adium longtime ago. I thought I'd like a discreet, minimal list, using colors instead of icons to show the user's status. I use exposé very often, and I like how I can see who's...
subsol 4.29kb
1479 total
3.7 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.82)
Colorcoded (2 Comments)
For something a little different, I've set up my list like so. Using the ever-classic Helvetica Neue (which you'll need to snag yourself), I've got my list set up to sort by status. And the colors are so that I can very clearly see who...
moocha 4.71kb
1071 total
3.5 / 8 votes
(Ranking: 0.45)
Trans Compact (0 Comments)
I wanted to have an elegant, transparent and compact contact list, but also informative. so I made one. It has probably been made before but maybe not entirely the same. version I've been inspired by the "Overture 1928" style, but...
SteveBoy 23.62kb
1271 total
3.4 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 0.46)
Frank (0 Comments)
Grey, white. Gray, white. Names flash colors at events, red for new message, yellow for typing, and more. Try it out. Works best with db-db icons
the_chair_salesman 4.58kb
618 total
1.7 / 11 votes
(Ranking: -1.35)
CS3 Colourful Contact List (0 Comments)
I made this to go nicely with the background/icons i've been working on. For the full story and to see the theme that it is meant to accompany, go here . If you like a colourful desktop, trust me, this theme is worth a look!...
splodgecat 9.73kb
1354 total
2.7 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.25)
Front Row-ish (0 Comments)
This is my first style. I simply edited the colors and layout in Decay 2.0. Changed the string that gave the "Decay 2.0" name and well here it is. Please tell me if you like it. Suggestions are welcome too.
Fork 6.06kb
1203 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
Chameleon (2 Comments)
I find it blends in pretty well with any background except black. Everything is still visible with a black background it just won't look as pretty. Set opacity to around 56%, and looks good in both borderless window and group bubbles...
iambatman 5.4kb
5659 total
4.1 / 30 votes
(Ranking: 1.62)
DeadBunny (0 Comments)
This is my first theme. I used an urban scrawl brushpack and created this scene. I didn't really know what I was trying for, but I am happy with it for it being my first theme. Let me know what you think.
magicalmidget 4.99kb
280 total
2.9 / 7 votes
(Ranking: -0.08)
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