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Sound Sets

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Drumline crn (3 Comments)
This is a soundset of Drumline sounds!!!! All sounds were made with Virtual Drumline 2, Sibelius 4, and my brain. Enjoy!!!
Perpetualpoet 2.96mb
3405 total
3.5 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.66)
Myst (7 Comments)
Sounds from the orignal Myst game. Includes two variations since I couldn't make up my mind which I liked better. Now updated to add the new sound events in Adium .62.
smajor 457.67kb
12661 total
3.3 / 157 votes
(Ranking: 0.66)
Three Stooges (2 Comments)
A set of three-stooges themed Adium sounds. Includes "Quiet Numbskulls, I'm broadcasting" on startup, "Hello...hello...hello" on new IMs, whoowhoowhoo on signons, and so on. You chowderheads.
silvermike 174.43kb
4185 total
3.4 / 43 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
Transformers G1 (6 Comments)
Transformers Generation 1 sounds. Now updated with new sound events introduced in Adium .62.
smajor 1.04mb
23660 total
3.3 / 150 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
Gaim (4 Comments)
Converted sounds from the multi-protocol IM client Gaim. Includes two soundsets, the original sounds from the 1.x version and the new sounds from 2.x.
smajor 981.49kb
5159 total
3.3 / 147 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
Stargate SG-1 (6 Comments)
Sounds from the series Stargate SG-1. Now updated with the new sound events in Adium .62.
smajor 992.73kb
11286 total
3.3 / 147 votes
(Ranking: 0.65)
Metal Slug 2 (1 Comments)
This is my first try at X(tras) I made this for a buddy Initially. But I think this sounds really cool, So i thought I'd share it for any other Metal Slug fans out there. Version 2.0 New/more sounds, events (file transfers...
Matisfaction 382.96kb
4282 total
3.3 / 140 votes
(Ranking: 0.64)
Gentle Sounds (2 Comments)
Designed to be really gentle sounding and easy on the ears. Short melodic sounds from a mallet instrument, no longer than 1 second, provide audible clues as to what is going on. This only focuses on the important stuff. If you are like...
Silexz 1.56mb
2754 total
3.6 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.62)
Civilization lll (2 Comments)
Some sounds from the computer game Civilization lll. SoundSet: "Contact Signed On" "Contact Signed Off" "Message Received (Background)" "Message Received (initial)" "Message Received" "Message Sent" "You...
CMNeir 560kb
1505 total
3.6 / 11 votes
(Ranking: 0.62)
Star Trek (2 Comments)
Sounds from Star Trek. Two sets are included, one with mixed computer sounds and one containing LCARS' sounds ONLY. The latter is the perfect compliment to the LCARS message view found here at the Xtras site. Now updated with the new...
smajor 476.48kb
10191 total
3.3 / 108 votes
(Ranking: 0.61)
Farts (3 Comments)
Fart sounds from
ipi37 142.21kb
7925 total
3.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Enter the Matrix (7 Comments)
Sounds and quotes from the first (and best) Matrix film! This is my 4th soundset for AdiumX, but first to release to the public. Any ideas or suggestions about would be greatly apperciated. Peace Out!
Hijuku 1.38mb
18992 total
3.3 / 102 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
The Big Lebowski (4 Comments)
I can't believe someone has not made this sooner... A freakin' Big Lebowski soundset for all you sinners out there!!! I'm proud to announce the long awaited Big Lebowski soundset titled "This Is What Happens When You Fuck a...
savemefromtears 969.63kb
4725 total
3.5 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
WoW Male Orc (0 Comments)
A soundset for those who are in to World of Warcraft. This set comprises voices from a male Orc with a few sound fx's. Working on a female next, if you have any requests then let me know. Thrax
Thraxmanius 1.85mb
2323 total
3.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Desert Punk (1 Comments)
A cool soundset from the Desert Punk Anime. I think this is a fun set as my first try.
Vincenz 319.35kb
1337 total
3.6 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.60)
Apple Sounds (6 Comments)
This is a set of Apple's alert sounds.
vio 629.1kb
12582 total
3.3 / 96 votes
(Ranking: 0.59)
maus (1 Comments)
a sound set by electronic musician 'maus'. somewhat futuristic and computer-oriented sounds, but with enough melody to keep it pleasing. mastered to a lower overall gain so as not to be overwhelming. sample of the sounds here....
maus 507.33kb
1251 total
3.5 / 15 votes
(Ranking: 0.59)
All Your Base (1 Comments)
These are sounds from the popular "All your base are belong to us." clip from the game Zero Wing.
trebe 1.41mb
3601 total
3.3 / 87 votes
(Ranking: 0.58)
BradSucks (3 Comments) remixes the GAIM sounds.
factoryjoe 778.3kb
1608 total
3.3 / 83 votes
(Ranking: 0.58)
Worms3D Returns (0 Comments)
First Attemp at making Sound Sets. This is a set based on the game Worms 3D, I know there is a couple in here already witch are bery nice and the main reason why i made my own since i was inspired by them. Hope everyone likes it, i will...
creator4ever 558.41kb
2241 total
3.6 / 9 votes
(Ranking: 0.57)
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