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Sound Sets

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
flOw (2 Comments)
An adium soundset with the sounds of the game flOw for the PS3 ( Owned and copyrighted to thatgamecompany ( Sounds are very calm and beautiful, so you never get...
Leonardo.Vieira 299.6kb
3851 total
3.8 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
Army of Darkness (3 Comments)
This soundset includes audio clips from the movie "Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness". Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. :)
chucklesjh 808.54kb
1334 total
3.8 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.80)
Bender sounds v0.1 (6 Comments)
This is the soundset was created mostly for myself, but it don't see any reason not to share it with anybody else who interested. Also, i've found Bender dock icons for Adium, but no Bender sounds. This lack of Bender appreciation is...
dsx 1.07mb
3418 total
3.6 / 21 votes
(Ranking: 0.79)
Teen Buzz (12 Comments)
This soundset takes advantage of a high frequency sound often called Teen Buzz that cannot be heard by most people over 20 and, as far as I know, all people over 30 due to hearing loss. The advantage of this is that your alerts will not...
MacAdict 87.24kb
8306 total
3.5 / 38 votes
(Ranking: 0.79)
Beavis and Butthead Soundset (5 Comments)
Extensive soundset containing the famous duo from MTV and the silver screen.
TonyPaco 263.81kb
9125 total
3.4 / 94 votes
(Ranking: 0.79)
war sound (3 Comments)
a soundset for the warriors.
6901 total
3.5 / 37 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Heavy Sound Set TF2 (0 Comments)
Heavy Sound set by Request. Sounds You Connect "Who sends babies to fight me?" You Disconnect "We make good team!" Contact logs in "Waaahhhhh Uwahhhhhh!" Contact logs out "Cry some more!" First Message "My...
soadluv 3.8mb
2440 total
4.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Softly (5 Comments)
Nice, unobtrusive sounds from an electric piano. My first xtra, so tell me what you think.
lancelottjones 484.24kb
2227 total
3.7 / 13 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Ehko (4 Comments)
Ehko (Echo) Another one made with Garage Band.
ipi37 287.39kb
4830 total
3.4 / 86 votes
(Ranking: 0.77)
Minus Bells (2 Comments)
A minimal soundset that is both sci-fi and organic. Messaging sounds are percussive, and it's the people on your contact list logging in and out who create the atmosphere. Please rate it. All original sounds, recorded for soundset....
gmarinov 436.26kb
3650 total
3.5 / 35 votes
(Ranking: 0.77)
Queen (4 Comments)
Queen Sound Set, with some interesting audio effects. I don't want to be a killjoy, but NEVER forget that AIDS killed Freddie Mercury! Un kit son de Queen, avec quelques effets sympas. Je ne veux pas être un rabat-joie, mais...
biglittledragoon 343.84kb
6678 total
3.4 / 84 votes
(Ranking: 0.77)
Unision (7 Comments)
This is a soundset I developed because I wanted to change my IM sound from my favorite set plus my roomate was using the same soundset for his IMs..therefore Unision was made. Unision is a calm, non-obtrusive soundset. The notes are in a...
galbis 1.22mb
3931 total
3.4 / 77 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
H*R - Strong Bad (1 Comments) character Strong Bad (aka Professor Tor Coolguy). He is so awesome. 17 quotes and sounds to play with.
vlastimil 468.25kb
3528 total
3.6 / 18 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
Homer Soundset (3 Comments)
This is a set of homer sounds that are not too annoying or obtrusive.
roper 236.48kb
11407 total
3.5 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
SupermansCues (3 Comments)
This sound set contains music from the THEME FROM SUPERMAN. Comments and suggestions welcome.
zkcola 160.22kb
8284 total
3.5 / 32 votes
(Ranking: 0.75)
iPhoneSoundset (0 Comments)
This is a Sound Set for Adium with iPhone Sounds.. Hope you like it.. :) MertenNor
MertenNor 573.55kb
7276 total
3.6 / 16 votes
(Ranking: 0.72)
Electric Sheep (1 Comments)
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K Dick. Required reading for all g33ks. I had real trouble getting the events to match up with what I wanted them to so some things are not assigned as I have it on my Adium. Thank you...
eyevaan 1.28mb
1728 total
3.7 / 10 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
QIP Infinum Sound Set (Lite) (0 Comments)
Lite version of QIP Infinum Sound Set for Adium. -- Sounds included: Contact Signed On Message Received Message Received (New) Message Received (Stranger) Message Sent Authorization Requested New Mail Received File Transfer...
Tpyn 80.55kb
954 total
4.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
Old Trillian Sound Set (1 Comments)
This is the sound set from the original Trillian Cordillera from days gone by. I prefer this sound set myself, so I thought I might as well provide this to you guys to use as well.
Khadgar 571.98kb
1760 total
4.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
H*R - Bubs (0 Comments) character Bubs . This set contains 14 quotes by the man. In his own words : "Hey there, every peoples. My name's Bubs. I run a Concession Stand around the wait here. I'm a self made man, I am I am."
vlastimil 313.39kb
868 total
4.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.70)
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