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Sound Sets

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Hint: Click the file size under "Install" to install the Xtra. Contributor Install Rating
Mass Effect 2 - Legion (0 Comments)
Legion's soundset seems the most fitting for Adium, with its robotic tone and simple quotes. Sound set includes: -connected -disconnected -contact signed on -contact signed off -contact went away -contact returned from away...
mizzyalana 143.63kb
519 total
5.0 / 1 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Mass Effect 2 - Grunt (0 Comments)
Grunt is probably my 4th favourite character in the game, right after Legion. Sound set includes: -connected -disconnected -contact signed on -contact signed off -contact went away -contact returned from away -error -file...
mizzyalana 77.56kb
107 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Mass Effect 2 - Tali (0 Comments)
After I made the Garrus set for myself, I decided I had to make a Tali'Zorah one for my husband, so here it is! Sound set includes: -connected -disconnected -contact signed on -contact signed off -contact went away -contact...
mizzyalana 385.59kb
188 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Mass Effect 2 - Garrus (0 Comments)
I had always wanted some of my favourite characters' lines from Mass Effect 2 as sound sets for Adium, and now I do! It took a LOT of searching to find all the files online (forum threads, websites, etc), so please leave a comment if you...
mizzyalana 1.46mb
374 total
4.4 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.98)
Pidgin Sound Set (2 Comments)
The Pidgin built in sound set.
CyberSkull 401.79kb
1177 total
2.2 / 5 votes
(Ranking: -0.56)
Adium Goes Goth (0 Comments)
A bit of Goth for Adium... cathedral organs, punk guitars, rock basses.
muppetcrayz 576.13kb
727 total
2.3 / 3 votes
(Ranking: -0.33)
Visions I (5 Comments)
Unbelievable. The number one top rated soundset for Adium. You guys rock, glad you like the set. The first in the new Vision series of IM sound sets. This is a project started to bring simple, elegant yet practical IM notifications to...
Serfox 1.84mb
14317 total
4.0 / 84 votes
(Ranking: 1.92)
Facebook Sound Set (1 Comments)
The Facebook "new message" sound
kaspermalfroid 6.15kb
3376 total
3.8 / 20 votes
(Ranking: 1.04)
Diablo II Sounds (0 Comments)
Used Mostly Paladin Sorceress and Amazon Sounds.
Axcess 1.19mb
1182 total
5.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 1.40)
Heavy Sound Set TF2 (0 Comments)
Heavy Sound set by Request. Sounds You Connect "Who sends babies to fight me?" You Disconnect "We make good team!" Contact logs in "Waaahhhhh Uwahhhhhh!" Contact logs out "Cry some more!" First Message "My...
soadluv 3.8mb
2440 total
4.3 / 4 votes
(Ranking: 0.78)
Moje z konnekta (0 Comments)
Moje z konnekta - soundset I used on Konnekt.
pwiadek 57.96kb
127 total
0.0 / 0 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
Modern Warfare 2 Sounds (1 Comments)
Includes 11 high quality sounds straight from the game files!
conorordan 527.93kb
1885 total
4.3 / 6 votes
(Ranking: 1.01)
Dharma (0 Comments)
The DHARMA sound set plays various Swan Station sounds for different Events. The sounds used are: Klaxon, Beep, Flip, and "System Failure."
wzich 358.28kb
2287 total
4.3 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 1.10)
Scout Sound Set TF2 (5 Comments)
I was bored so i made a Sound set. have some scout. if there is enough interest i will make one each for the other classes. Edit: Will be starting to make the other classes soon. if you want a certain sound for something post it here....
soadluv 2.24mb
2098 total
4.2 / 17 votes
(Ranking: 1.48)
Madobe Nanami (1 Comments)
Adium IM soundset based on the official 7-tan Nanami Madobe soundset for Windows 7 Granted "100% CLEAN award granted by Softpedia" Please leave comments for improvements..
Hikarikaze 1.11mb
3157 total
4.2 / 14 votes
(Ranking: 1.38)
Adventure Time (0 Comments)
A soundset using the sounds from the pilot of "Adventure Time"; a very popular cartoon on Nickelodeon.
RubricalEye 529.83kb
1346 total
5.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.95)
CoD4 (0 Comments)
Sounds from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
musepoetique 259.35kb
2122 total
3.1 / 7 votes
(Ranking: 0.08)
The X-Files (0 Comments)
Some sounds from the TV show The X-files. Mark Snow is the magician who created the wicked theme that scared the hell out of people for 9 years Hope you like it!
TheTruth 278.22kb
989 total
2.7 / 10 votes
(Ranking: -0.30)
Nintendo Game & Watch Handhelds Soundset (0 Comments)
This soundset features sounds from some of Classic Nintendo Game & Watch Handheld games.
gameandwatch 687.3kb
967 total
4.0 / 3 votes
(Ranking: 0.48)
Super Mario Bros. upgraded (0 Comments)
Basically this is just a copy of MacDevils SMB soundset. I've just updated it so that it works with the new versions of Adium, as it didn't work properly before. Here is the original...
weeezes 372.93kb
1687 total
3.0 / 5 votes
(Ranking: 0.00)
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